My Journey to a fitter, healthier and more balanced me

My Journey to a fitter, healthier and more balanced me

s-1Today is my last day away on tour in South East Asia and am currently reflecting in all that happened since Jan 1 – the learnings, insights and realisations.

Week 1 – I was in Chiang Mai and got to work through some of fears as I was trekking with Elephants in the jungles of Thailand as well as walking to waterfalls in remote areas. In particular learning to trust and finding my own balance, even when clutching onto my guide standing over a knife edge cliff, knowing that I will be taken care of.

Week 2 – I travelled to Laos on a slow boat on the might Mekong from Thailand to Luang Prabang. Learning patience and getting comfortable with aloneness. Noticing that even if there is aloneness on the inside how there is so much solace and comfort in that too. I spent hours meditating and gazing at the Mekong River noticing how the river longs to merge with the ocean and the river flows in the direction it needs to anyway. I was fondly remind of Paulo Coehlo’s book – I sat down by the RIver Piedra and cried. I had to learn that I am taken care of, no matter what and the flow of life is taking me to my destination. All experiences along the way are illusions on the path to the ultimate journey to self.

Week 3 – I came back to Thailand and was in Pai for a Yoga course. I had to work through some of my internal barriers and resistances to doing some of the more challenging Yoga Asanas. I had a field day with my complaining mind during the quiet time. I prayed to GOD to allow me to discover joy and on Day 3 it happened. 12 Surya Namaskars later – I was overflowing with JOY and started my love affair with Yoga Asanas. I loved the Pranayama, Meditations, Alkaline diet, daily walks and the friendships made. On a physical level the yoga was very healing for my back and has got me on the path to building my physical strength. I also let go of my old beliefs about my body and how I have hid behind the excuse of not being strong enough that has kept me from experiencing bliss through Yoga Asanas. Another significant transformation was overcoming my motion sickness using EFT and oodles of self love and certainty.

Week 4 – I was by the beach in Koh Samui and started a 2 week detoxing cleanse. Resistance was still the theme. This time resistance to being deprived of food. Accepting the hunger cravings and accepting all of me. I had to work through my past food addiction and the relationship between mood and food. The daily routine of beach walks, yoga, EFT tapping, inner process work, meditation, massage and sauna was rejuvenating at every level.

Week 5 – I was still in Koh Samui. This week I created my own private retreat, just spending time with self. As my mind felt more at peace, my body relaxed and I could dive deeper into myself clearing old patterns of despair, hopelessness, failure, being let down, disappointment, heart-break and self-rejection. The biggest ahhaa was I had co-created the fat around my belly as my friend, so that I may not feel weak. A protection mechanism, like a Michelin tyre, to keep me from feeling weak. Then the realisation that allowing myself to feel weak, exposed and vulnerable was where my true strength resided. Writing this paragraph still feels very tender and raw and yet I trust that this also needs to be shared.

Week 6 – I traveled to Siem Reap in Cambodia and have been integrating all that has happened over the last 5 weeks. Have been enjoying being present to every moment, feeling at peace and in balance with my body, mind and spirit. I had the luxury of seeing the Cambodian Circus, a drum troop from Madagaskar as well as the beautiful Angkor Wat and Bayon Temples.

Now, I am much more in tune with myself and listening to my body, mind and spirit. One of my biggest realisations has been a calm body is a fit body. When the mind is calm it allows the body to relax and come into balance. There is no effort needed. It just happens.

Warm wishes from Cambodia.
