Surrender healed the Cancer, then the Journey taught me how!

Surrender healed the Cancer, then the Journey taught me how!

“Take care of your body it’s the only place you have to live.” Jim Rohn

Not everyone who is diagnosed with Cancer dies as a result of the disease. Sometimes, the “C” word can feel like a death sentence and yet it does not have to be. There are numerous cases of healing from not only cancer, but also serious illnesses using either traditional or alternate methods and in some cases a combination of the two.

Perhaps sometimes the healing that is required needs to be initiated at the soul level and followed by emotional well-being and physical healing. This was the case of former real estate company owner, Girija Theograj who while being diagnosed with late stage Cancer in 2010, rejected conventional treatment and decided to support her body to heal on its own. As a result she healed without chemotherapy and is still alive now, 6 years later.

It was when she read the Journey book by Brandon Bays in 2012 that she made the connection between the healing that has transpired in her body and the role surrender had played in that, “At the time (2010), I was told I had between 2 months and 2 years to live, if I did not to go through conventional chemotherapy. I made the decision not to have the treatment, left it to grace and through complete surrender I was totally cleared in only 6 months. So, when I heard that there was due to be a Journey Intensive in Bangalore, I did everything I could to attend.”


She goes onto share her experience of attending of the Journey Seminar and how it helped her to feel lighter and leave a past relationship firmly in the past,  “Those three days brought out more stuff than I ever believed could be stored within me. The simple processes provided such major emotional developments that I felt I was returning to a much lighter, freer person. I have a better understanding of myself and even let go of a toxic relationship.”

Through the process work, Girija learnt how to handle any life situation in the moment. “The presence of Grace has stayed on with me ever since. Whenever I am in any doubt, I just have to open to this Grace and I see that all acceptances, all forgiveness, and all wisdom is there. It is a state of Nirvana that can be called upon at will.”

She goes on to share how while she had already healed, it was The Journey that taught her how to clear old patterns, continue to heal and let go of attachments, At the physical level, I have not had a single day of ill health ever since. The Abundance Retreat and No Ego were out of the world. I was able to understand and let go of the patterns that kept me stuck. The blocks to my spiritual life were cleared. I no longer yearn or crave for money or relationships as my life today is just an easy, flowing, peaceful, joyful, and healthy space. With every cell of my body I know that I am called to spread this freedom to others, to support them in finding this joy for themselves. I am now eagerly waiting for the next retreats to complete the therapy.”

Since The Journey Seminars has been made available in 36 countries around the world it has helped thousands of people worldwide free themselves, for example:

  • Fear, worry, stress and anxiety vanishes
  • Depression clears
  • Low self-esteem and lack of confidence transforms
  • Chronic anger and rage comes to peace
  • Physical illnesses and diseases heal
  • Addictions and unhealthy behaviours shift
  • Past traumas and hurts resolve
  • Verbal, physical and sexual abuse heal
  • Relationship problems clear
  • Career performance increases
  • Spiritual realisations and developments accelerate

During the initial 3 day Journey seminar attended by Girija Theograj, you will learn how to:

  • Overcome emotional and physical issues
  • Awaken the inner healing potential
  • Open into unconditional love, peace and oneness

Find out more about The Journey Seminar and how it might help you heal from within and how you might be able to share this powerful technique used by millions work-wide to help others. 

For best results: Attending the Journey seminar with a presenter appointed by Brandon Bays or professional sessions with an Accredited Practitioner is recommended.

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Disclaimer: If you have a medical condition, please visit your doctor and get a good medical diagnosis. The words on this blog do not replace the requirement for advice from a medical professional.

About the Author

Rangaan Head Shot RedDr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is a dynamic international speaker and trainer. She loves being able to share alternate therapy and coaching skills that enable real and rapid transformations. With a PhD in Cancer Research and her background in running a multi-billion dollar international business, she is currently the Founder of Vitality Living College



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Download a free booklet on the Journey with the first chapter by Brandon Bays as well as powerful healing stories of how others have healed.

