I met my beautiful self only at the Journey!

I met my beautiful self only at the Journey!

“Be yourself; everyone is already taken” ~Oscar Wilde

We think that we know ourselves enough because of our experiences that have shaped our lives. Surely that should be a given, right? Not always. We barely know our beautiful, spiritual souls. Most of us don’t consider it to be important to connect to our own body and soul. But we forget the simple fact that life is a story we weave together from the thoughts, feelings, and emotions we experience each moment. Understanding ourselves would make our lives only better, making you feel beautiful inside out. People who are connected to themselves are living in harmony whereas the connection between the world and their mind is a chaos for the rest of them.

Here’s how one of the people who are connected to themselves feel. Sanjay Pal Singh from Singapore shares his experience of choosing the Journey for finding himself, My experience with ‘The Journey’ has allowed me to really be at peace with my own self. Back in 2007 when I did my first Journey Intensive, I enjoyed a feeling of bliss that I had never experienced before. Six years down the road, I have managed to form relationships and feel love from a deep place within myself, in a space that is pure and true to me. Having come from a society where I was conditioned to think that I am never good enough and I should always try harder and harder, the Journey has helped me break down these limiting barriers and truly experience my essence as a pure, loving being who is on this earth to do something. I am here to heal, I am here to love, and to exude this immense pure love. I have made friends that are truly beautiful and supportive, and they have shown me that this world is full of great positivity. I thank ‘The Journey for that, it has opened a spiritual gateway for me that has enhanced the quality of my life.” 


Since The Journey Seminars has been made available in 36 countries around the world it has helped thousands of people worldwide free themselves, for example:

  • Fear, worry, stress and anxiety vanishes
  • Depression clears
  • Low self-esteem and lack of confidence transforms
  • Chronic anger and rage comes to peace
  • Physical illnesses and diseases heal
  • Addictions and unhealthy behaviours shift
  • Past traumas and hurts resolve
  • Verbal, physical and sexual abuse heal
  • Relationship problems clear
  • Career performance increases
  • Spiritual realisations and developments accelerate

During the initial 3 day Journey seminar attended by Sanjay Pal Singh, you will learn how to:

  • Overcome emotional and physical issues
  • Awaken the inner healing potential
  • Open into unconditional love, peace and oneness

Find out more about The Journey Seminar and how it might help you heal from within and how you might be able to share this powerful technique used by millions work-wide to help others. 

For best results: Attending the Journey seminar with a presenter appointed by Brandon Bays or professional sessions with an Accredited Practitioner is recommended.

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Disclaimer: If you have a medical condition, please visit your doctor and get a good medical diagnosis. The words on this blog do not replace the requirement for advice from a medical professional.

About the author

Rangaan Head Shot RedDr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is a dynamic international speaker and trainer. She loves being able to share alternate therapy and coaching skills that enable real and rapid transformations. With a PhD in Cancer Research and her background in running a multi-billion dollar international business, she is currently the Founder of Vitality Living Collegehttp://vitalitylivingcollege.info/about-us/our-founder/


Journey-booklet-212x300Learn more about Vitality Living College: http://vitalitylivingcollege.info/about-us/

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Download a free booklet on the Journey with the first chapter by Brandon Bays as well as powerful healing stories of how others have healed.
