Welcome to the team – Our new EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Trainers

Welcome to the team – Our new EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Trainers

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning”. Brad Henry


IMG_2698Having a mission to have at least 1000 EFT trainers worldwide, where this simple but scientific technique can be taught in businesses, schools, universities, villages, hospitals and families, I’m proud and happy to announce that we have 3 newly qualified EFT Trainers onboard:

  • Delhi with Dr Shilpa Gupta, 10th to 12th February, 2017. Click here for details
  • Mumbai with Leena Haldar, 14th to 16th April, 2017. Click here for details
  • Bangalore with Mridula Nair, 21st to 23rd April, 2017. Click here for details

These trainers are not just highly qualified, but have inspired and helped hundreds worldwide. I’d like you to meet:

Leena Haldar, Mumbaileenaphoto

Leena was shocked when she was diagnosed with a serious illness in 2014. ‘The wake-up’ call propelled Leena to learn different energy healing methods, which enabled her to breeze through the medical treatments. Leena is an EFT Trainer and a Matrix Re imprinting Practitioner. She is an International workshop leader, and is the co-founder of Rainbow Lightworkers. Leena is also a Heal your Life Workshop Leader and a Breakthrough and NLP Coach.


“I find EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to be a lovely self help tool that can be used by anyone who wants rapid transformation. It’s easy and doesn’t require sophisticated gadgets. No worry, doubt or limiting belief has any power over me now. EFT has empowered me and made me more confident. One of my first success stories was when I helped a senior citizen who suffered from very acute back pain and had to pop a pill everyday. After 6 sessions she was off painkillers completely. It is awesome to see the delighted look on the faces of people when they realise it is so easy to use EFT for self or others too.” says Leena


When Leena is not working she loves spending time with her family, cooking for them or with them, spending time with her girlfriends, painting, writing and meditating for long periods of time.

Mridula Nair, Bangalore


Born into a successful business family she established herself in the travel industry by running her own thriving travel agency for nearly two decades in Bangalore. She was also actively involved in organising the Holistic Health Summit in 2003 for Soukya International Holistic Health Centre, Bangalore and World Congress at Art Of Living International Centre, Bangalore. She has always been of a spiritual bent, so she sold her travel business and followed her beliefs in establishing a new career in the arena of spiritual and holistic healing.She has successfully qualified as a counsellor as well as on a number of alternate therapies like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Matrix Reimprinting, Bach Flower remedies, NLP and Breakthrough coaching with Time line technology and has been helping people for the last few years.

I love the simplicity and honesty about EFT.  EFT has helped me to first come to a space of acceptance with issues in my life by removing all masks and facing the truth in the safest possible way. Once the core is uncovered the healing happens in minutes.”


“One of  my many successful stories with a client was when I worked with a client who had Trigeminal Neuralgia (Intense pain on one side of the face). He was an absolute skeptic. Having undergone two surgeries, the pain recurring was causing him a lot of fear and anxiety. He found it difficult to connect with his emotions at first and we started with some general tapping. In the second session we were able to uncover some deeper issues and in the third session we got to the core issue and he began to experience a lot of relief. He was even able to reduce his medication. He is now a completely believer in EFT.” says Mridula.

When she is not working Mridula love communing in nature, sitting on a beach watching the waves, or under a tree wondering what great mysteries they hold. She believes EFT is so simple and powerful that it should be available to everyone, and should be a tool available in everyone’s first aid box.

Dr Shilpa Gupta, Delhi

Shilpa Gupta

Dr Shilpa Gupta is an ENT Surgeon who has diversified her profession to Parenting. She is a ‘Parenting Coach’ with a passion for ‘Parenting’ and creating happy families now for the past 7 years more than 2000 parents, 500 caretakers and 400 teachers have attended her workshops and benefitted from the skills. She has conducted training programs and workshops for various corporate groups like GMR, Bharat Petroleum and NGO’s like SOS Children’s Villages. She is the Associate Director of Centre for Child and Adolescent Wellbeing (CCAW), an multi speciality Institute for Child Mental Health, New Delhi and Delhi Area training Director for Love Humanity International.

“It is a quick, easy and effective tool to work on emotions. It doesn’t require a high IQ, qualifications, language to learn this tool. There is always a phase when you don’t feel well but health (physical or mental) is not that bad that you would like to rush to a doctor or a psychologist. EFT has helped me in bridging this gap. I could work on my issues related to physical illness or emotions of helplessness, fear, frustration and a feeling of being trapped. I could foremost help myself and then my family members and my friends.”

IMG-20170113-WA0026My greatest success with EFT is that the issues my clients were holding for years seem very trivial to them and some can’t recollect their issues after tapping….. It’s gone with some hours of EFT.” says Shilpa.

She loves to spend time with her kids and watch them and enjoy every moment as they grow. Her Mission is to create ‘Happy Families.’

To learn more about the Seminars conducted by these trainers, Click Here.

To know more about EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and how it can help you Click here.

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