How I found my purpose in life.

How I found my purpose in life.

“Efforts  and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – John F Kennedy



Being without purpose is like a leaf being blown in the wind. The leaf only flies from one place to the other without any direction or purpose, wherever the wind takes it.


This was how I used to be, just flowing from one path to the other without any purpose or direction.

There were times when I felt absolutely useless and ready to give up.


Yes! I did have a lot of guidance, from friends , family, colleagues and even my significant other. However, those were their dreams and while I tried out everything from working as a teacher, to a business woman to trying to set up my boutique and even taking up a beauty course.


I failed miserably, and every failure only made me imagine and fear the worst for my life.

Those times were the most confusing, when I saw every friend of mine succeed.

I wondered why I was a failure, when I scored better marks, I was more popular in college and school, I took part in all possible extra curricular activities and was even working harder than any of them.


Then one day I attended Breakthrough Coaching with NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) in Mumbai.

On the very first day of the course, somewhere within me a light bulb switched on!

It was truly amazing because now I knew what I truly wanted in life and what my purpose was.

Attending Breakthrough Coaching also enabled me to know what my self sabotaging patterns were and how that kept me from achieving my dream easily.

Since then each day is a little baby step towards my purpose in life!


Here is a  truly amazing story of how Life Coach and Doctor of Ayurveda and Psychology, Dr Arvinder Kaur clearly found her life’s purpose and was able to make the connection to her divine self.












“Before attending the seminar, I always felt unloved and unwanted,running away from relationships both personal and professional.I never had any good friends, but all that changed. Dr Rangana was able to get to the root of the issue and peel away the layers and limiting beliefs I had about love. I learnt to be myself, love myself first to be able to let the love flow to others, and be an open channel for the Divine. I not only found my purpose clearly and could connect with myself, but with others too in a very loving way. I was so low on confidence, that I could not speak publicly and always preferred to sit at the back row where no one would notice me. The Breakthrough seminar changed all that for me. I now conduct courses and have infact, developed my own signature course on Akashic Records. I also received an international recognition as a Reiki grandmaster.” says Dr Arvinder.

In closing, a lot of people struggle today everyday of their lives, doing something that does not make them happy and is quite contrary to their lives purpose. While this could sometimes be because of childhood conditioning where young children have to bear the burden of their parents high expectations, or even a state of confusion , where there are so many things happening around, it’s really difficult to pin point towards one’s purpose.

It’s really important to remember that life does not have to be a struggle and any life purpose no matter how insignificant or significant can be the path to great happiness and prosperity in one’s life. The only trick is to find that one thing you truly love!

If you struggle to find your life’s purpose or have found your purpose but are being stopped by limiting beliefs and procrastination, Breakthrough Coaching with NLP is the place for you to begin.

Love Donita and Team Vitality


P.S – Next Breakthrough Coaching with NLP Seminars

  • Rishikesh, India, March 27th-April 2nd – Click here


More information:

  • Free booklets on 10 keys to confidence and how to create the life you want.
  • Latest schedule of free seminars, training courses and workshops go to Book me.

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