NLP India

Program your life for success with Breakthrough Coaching & NLP Practitioner with Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri

Fast track to success with 7 jam-packed, content rich, highly interactive transformational days that will change your life forever! 

On successful completion you will be awarded 5 qualifications and : NLP Diploma, NLP Practitioner, Breakthrough Coach, Hypnosis Practitioner & Timeline Technology Practitioner.

NLP poster A4 Rishikesh

Breakthrough coaching combined with NLP is  one of the most transformational tools that enable people to design and live the life they truly want to lead.

man with laptop with hands in air

It can be applied in business, at work, with relationships as well as creating personal satisfaction, for example

  • Creating more fulfilling relationships
  • Achieving life and business goals
  • Influencing at work and home
  • Mobilising teams at work to be successful
  • Improving health, wellness and confidence
  • Eliminating fears, phobias and limitations
  • Leading and empowering yourself and others
  • Increasing confidence to move towards the career you desire

Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri

The seminar will be delivered by International speaker and trainer Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri and will contain the most up to date NLP skills as well as the unique breakthrough coaching system. Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri has trained with NLP masters around the world, including Tony Robbins, David Shepherd, John Seymour, Richard Bandler & Steve Linder and studies the work of Tad James, John Grinder, Robert Diltz & Virginia Satir.

The next Breakthrough Coaching & NLP practitioner seminars with Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri in India in 2017 are as follows:

Rishikesh – Monday March 27th – Sunday April 2nd 2017


Please use the links above for more information. All Seminars are from Monday to Sunday from 9am-8pm. Attendance of first 3 days is possible for NLP Diploma qualification.

To book go on-line or contact us via e-mail, Phone +919920454749 or SMS / What’s App +919820974625 to register and confirm your seat. 

Advanced booking is highly recommend to avail of the Early bird discount. Seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

7 steps bookletHow to be confident booklet

For more information download two  free booklets on 10 keys to confidence and how to create the life you want along with 5 other breakthrough books.

To get the latest schedule of free seminars, training courses and workshops please go to Book me.







Breakthrough Coaching with NLP/Hypnosis/Timeline Practitioner



3rd  -

9th July

Dr Rangana

$ 1,650

$ 1,450

Limited Time

$ 1,250

Mumbai, India

6th - 12th Nov

Dr Rangana

Rs 79,700

Rs 74,100

Limited Time

Rs 67,400

Delhi, India

15th - 21st Jan

Dr Rangana

Rs 79,700

Rs 74,100

Limited Time

Rs 67,400
