Vitality Living College
Author Archives: Vitality Living College

Can dreams really manifest?

Dreams. The word itself is full of hope, fantasy and faith, isn’t it? It can mean so many things – A vision, an imagination, a goal, a wish. Every one of us has dreamt of having something – a house, a child, a career, a partner, a car, growth, anything! How does it feel when […]

What is the reason you get sleepy sometimes after a healing therapy session?

What is the reason you get sleepy after a one to one therapy session? After a healing therapy session it can cause a deep sense of relaxation where you might find yourself compelled to sleep. Healing therapies can include Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), The Journey, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnosis, Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting and Inner Child […]

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