Category Archives for "Blog"

The Personal Peace Procedure with EFT Tapping

Personal Peace

How to Conduct Personal Peace with EFT On Yourself?What is Personal Peace Procedure with EFT Tapping? The 3 different methods of Personal Peace as part of a daily relaxation routine, to let go of the past, or to work through a deeper issue.ABOUT PERSONAL PEACE PROCEDURE| DAILY RELAXATION PRACTICE | WORKING WITH PAST MEMORIES | TELL THE STORY […]

Reverse Diabetes With EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping for Diabetes

EFT Tapping For DiabetesWhat is diabetes? What are its types, symptoms, and causes? What are the four keys to treating it? And how you can use EFT Tapping for diabetes to reverse it to live a healthy and happy life? Getting a diagnosis is always scary. Especially, when it is a chronic illness like diabetes. You […]
