Category Archives for "Blog"

When I Came Face To Face With Buddha…

When I Came Face To Face With Buddha… I vividly recall as a young child in school reading a picture book which depicted people who were upset and crying, and a young prince who was walking away. The prince, Siddhartha Gautama, lead a sheltered and comfortable life; a stark contrast to the intense pain of […]

7 Ways to Overcome Resistance to Healing

What gets bigger the more you push it away? Personal issues! We’re commonly taught in New Age circles that one should only focus on the positive things in life and not on the negative, because what you focus on magnifies.This is partially true, but there is a huge caveat when it comes to positive thinking. What You […]

Weed Out the Root Cause of Stress for Vibrant Health!

  Does it seem like there’s nothing you can do about stress? Your work and relationships responsibilities will always be demanding. And fulfilling these demands seem never-ending. All this piling up to your increased stress level. It’s that chronic stress ( overloaded stress) which you suffer from, day in, day out – that’s silently sabotaging […]

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