Category Archives for "Blog"

What is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?

“Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.” Pete Carroll What if you everything you want to achieve is within your power? All problems beatable and all […]

How To Lose Weight With EFT Tapping By Eliminating Cravings?

Weight Loss By Eliminating Cravings

One way to lose weight is to eliminate food cravings. As food cravings are rooted in emotional eating and can pile on the pounds. By using EFT Tapping to eliminate the surface cravings and the root cause, it easy to say goodbye to unhealthy cravings and hello to a slimmer, trimmer and fitter body.

How easy it is to find Abundance

“Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.”  Bryant H. McGillFor A long time Abundance was like the bunch of sour grapes that I could never get a hold of. Oh yes I did get the last grape on the bunch, that is to say I always received when ‘I Needed’, […]

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