Category Archives for "Mental Health"

Mental Health relates to the state of mind and mental well-being.

How To Overcome Insecurity With EFT?

EFT Tapping For Insecurities

EFT tapping for insecurityHave you ever been plagued by insecurity and doubt? Has the need to feel safe been more important than living your dreams? Learn how to overcome the trap of feeling insecure and become confident and self assured. Recently, I was working with a client via Skype in London and the issue of insecurity […]

I felt confident to follow my dreams

We wait for years to do what we want. We are always scared to take that plunge. When we were kids our parents and teachers stopped us from doing what we want but now who stops us? Either consciously or subconsciously,  it’s we who stop ourselves from achieving what we want and taking risks. We have programed […]
