Category Archives for "Mental Health"

Mental Health relates to the state of mind and mental well-being.

I claimed my personal power with Breakthrough Coaching and NLP!

When we consistently suppress and distrust our intuitive knowingness, looking instead for authority, validation, and approval from others, we give our personal power away – Shakti Gawain. Did you know that our subconscious mind have the answers to all our questions? When we seek for answers from the universe or God, the power of the subconscious […]

I won over my severe anxiety attacks and back pain at the Journey!

We have all experienced anxiety or nervousness some time in our lives. Be it a poetry recitation in school, a job interview, public speaking or financial difficulties, we have all been there. But how do you know it is a disorder and not the normal anxiety? The distinction is quite blurred between the two. All […]
