Elite EFT Practitioners


Sudha Prabhu, Bangalore, India

With a background HR Leader, Sudha Prabhu loves to empower people realise breakthroughs in their life, especially when crisis hits. She helps people from all walks of life to have an enhanced sense of well-being, clarity in action, overcome emotional  blocks and stuckness to feel happy and have a renewed commitment and energy to pursue heart's desire feeling connected and contented.

EFT Practitioner, EFT Advanced Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner, NLP Practitioner & Coach, Expressive Arts, Yoga and Meditation.

Adults, Young adults, Professionals and Executive Leaders. 

Language: English, face to face and online

Meetu Sehgal, Delhi, India

EFT helped Meetu overcome and heal years of chronic pain, anxiety and low self-esteem issues. Through the process she discovered that her purpose was to heal and empower. Over the years, she has helped people heal their emotional baggage, resolve their subconscious blocks and self-sabotaging patterns to help them create a fulfilling life, become confident, emotionally strong and experience peace and happiness within.

EFT Advanced Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner, NLP Practitioner and Coach, Reiki Grandmaster, Tarot Reader, Counselling Psychologist.

Adults, Men & Women.

Language: English, Hindi

Larysa Savinska, Mumbai, India

Ukraine-born, globally-travelled, Larysa stepped on her path of healing to deal with childhood trauma and relationships issues. With the background in Music, HR, Media and Entertainment, nowadays she works with people as a Voice & Success Coach and a Healer, helping them to overcome their obstacles, fears and doubts, gain confidence and find their authentic selves. She empowers them to follow their dreams and aspirations.

 EFT & Matrix-Reimprinting Practitioner, NLP Practitioner & Coach, Journey Practitioner, Voice Trainer

Adults, Men, Women & Young Adults.

Language: English, Russian

Leena Haldar, Mumbai, India

Formerly an interior designer and having healed from Cancer, mom of 2 children, Leena Haldar works as a full time coach, emotional well-being practitioner and healer. She supports her clients overcome relationship challenges, improve their health and feel emotionally balanced and at peace. 

EFT Practitioner, EFT Advanced Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner, NLP Practitioner & Coach, Heal Your Life/Magnified Healing Trainer.

English, Hindi, Malyayam, Marathi. Face to face & on-line. 

Adults, Executives & Women. 

SENIOR  PRACTITIONERS: Over 5 years experience 

Atisha Batra, Mumbai, India

Atisha started as a jeweller and suffered chronic headaches due to hyperprolactinoma stated incurable by doctors from which she healed. Now she helps young adults and adults overcome emotional blocks, health labels, relationship hardships and trauma and helps them obtain overall wholeness through therapy, compassion and support in different walks of life.

EFT Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner, NLP Practitioner & Coach.

English. Face to face & on-line. 

Adults & Young Adults .

Dikshaa Wadhwa, Mumbai, India

 A graduate in Home Science with Interior designing as her major subject, Dikshaa got married into a joint family. As a mom and a home maker she spent over 17 years caring for her extended family keeping others before self.

After experiencing an EFT session that empowered her to standup for herself and free herself from shackles of a golden cage, she realized that all the limiting belief and fears get rooted in childhood itself. She decided to learn EFT to be able to help children to free them selves of all fears, be the fun and joy that they are for life. Her heart melts seeing any child forget their magnificence due to pressure and competition around them.

She works with children of all age groups and makes sure they have lots and lots of fun through Drama, and works on their limitations as soon as she spots them. Children love her and feel safe in her company and feel cared for. They look forward to the sessions that bring out the creativity in them. They come back and share with her how they use tapping in situations that are scary or uncomfortable for them to cope up.

That is Dikshaa a mother, a friend and a confidante to children.

Internationally certified Advanced EFT practitioner, NLP practitioner and coach, Inner child Matrix Practitioner, Access bars practitioner.

English, Hindi, Gujrati, and Marathi, Face to face & online. 

Adults, teenagers and Children.

CERTIFIED  PRACTITIONERS: 1 - 2 years experience  

Revati Nehru, Delhi, India

As a former marketing professional for over a decade, work related stress and work life balance were no strangers to Revati.  She came across EFT quite by chance and soon realised she had learned a tool she wanted to share with people who could benefit from it.
She now works full time as an EFT Practitioner and a Life Balance Coach. She  helps Young Adults and Working Professionals to cope better with the challenges and stresses of life today. She coaches people to regain the balance that they want in life and to relook at their lives with renewed confidence and optimism.

EFT Practitioner, NLP Practitioner, Journey Practitioner in training 

Young adults, Professionals and Executive Leaders. 

Language: English, face to face and online

Babita Kapoor, Delhi, India

EFT helped Babita thaw all the emotions she had frozen within herself, thus liberating her from aches, pains, fears and self doubt. It made her stand in her power and gave her a new lease of life in the empty nest phase of life. She is an emotional well being coach and helps women & young adults cope with day to day stresses, feel confident, calm, fearless, pain free and happy.

EFT practitioner, Inner child Matrix practitioner, NLP breakthrough coach, Reiki Master & Holistic health coach

 English, Hindi, Face to face and online

Rajat Soni Delhi, India

A Corporate Professional for over a decade, Rajat Soni quit his job to follow his inner calling of working with teenagers, as shown by a young adult with Aspergers. He has empowered thousands of teenagers helping them overcome shyness, social anxiety &  learning difficulty to find their personal power. Rajat has a unique ability to connect with teenagers and special needs children and bridge the gap between parents and their children. 

EFT Practitioner & NLP Practitioner & Coach.

English, Hindi, Punjabi. Face to face & On-line.

Parents, Teenagers & Special Needs Children/ Teenagers

Donita Packard Mumbai, India

Donita Packard was completely broken by the year 2015. She had no direction in life. Had a broken relationship, was stressed out from being the mother or a special child, personal health was deteriorating and had abundance issues.

With EFT she healed her phobias, re-built the relationships with her family and friends, helped her son become completely independent and claimed her personal power.

She has helped men and women come out of depression, relationship issues, self love and self image issues and build new empowered lives for themselves.

Certified as an EFT Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner, Breakthrough Coach, Tarot Reader & Angel Therapy Practitioner

English & Hindi. 

Adults & Teenagers

Navneet Grewal
Canada & India

With a background in HR and Training for over a decade, Navneet quit her job to follow her passion to empower and heal others just like she healed herself from unwanted emotions. She helps people from all age groups to overcome emotional blocks, anxiety, fears and doubts and become confident, emotionally strong and lead a fulfilling life. 

EFT Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner, NLP Practitioner & Coach, Holistic Health Coach, Reiki Grandmaster and Tarot Reader

English, Hindi, Punjabi, Face to face & Online 

Adults and Children

Siddhi Desai
Mumbai, India

A classical Indian dance teacher and spiritual seeker, Siddhi Desai, hit rock bottom when her partner expired. She lost her sense of purpose and will to live.  A friend introduced her to Vitality Living College, and she learnt therapy technique known as EFT Tapping. Within months she overcame her unwillingness to live and chronic panic attacks. Siddhi found a new direction in life, a sense of purpose, and manifested a relationship. She now empowers teenagers, young adults and working professionals to overcome the worst and find their voice, and passion in life by integrating EFT Tapping, art,  movement and dance. 

EFT Practitioner, Self-Acceptance Coach, NLP Practitioner, MFA in Bharatanatyam, Yoga Teacher & practitioner, Access Bars Practitioner and Director of Kalakruti Dance Academy

English, Hindi, Gujarati, Face to face & Online

Kids, Young Adults, Adults, Professionals
