How EFT Tapping For Emotional Stress Can Relieve You From Sickness?

EFT Tapping For Emotional Stress

Eliminate emotional stress With EFT Tapping

In this article, you will learn about what emotional stress is, its symptoms and causes, and how emotional stress leads to sickness. You can overcome those feelings with the help of Emotional Freedom Techniques. This alternate therapeutic technique has been clinically proven to help people let go of their emotional tension by working on the root cause.

There are times when a lot is happening and everything weighs so heavy that we cannot help but crumble. We cannot point at one event or situation but deep down we know we are a mess. That's where the emotional stress lies.

This was exactly how one of the attendees of my seminars was feeling when I was facing a family crisis, where her loved one was battling with breast cancer. She was constantly keeping up with this issue and finding a solution for a sense of relief.

This time has been really tough for her and her family struggling through emotional well being but still trying to be on their toes.

She started using EFT and felt much at ease, calm and relaxed. EFT gave her strength to cope up with her emotional distress, and gave her a sense of calmness. 

Emotional Freedom Techniques helped her get a relief from emotional stress and to feel calm and peaceful.

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“Stress and confusion come from being busy. Peace and clarity come from slowing down and stilling your waters. ”

- maxime legace

what is emotional stress?

Emotional stress can be especially severe and difficult to manage. It can have a greater impact than many other types of stress.

Emotional stress is a little different from normal stress. We experience normal stress in response to the stresses of regular life, whereas emotional stress occurs when a person takes a situation seriously because it has negatively impacted him or her. Worry, fear, anger, grief, and a variety of other emotions are all common emotional reactions.

However, if the stress that underpins these emotions is interfering with your capacity to do the things you want or need to do, it is harmful stress.


Symptoms of emotional stress can be both physical, mental and behavioral.

The following are physical signs and symptoms:

  • Chest heaviness, or an elevated heart rate
  • Shoulder, neck, or back pain; aches and pains throughout the body.
  • Headaches
  • You're clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth.
  • Breathing problems
  • Tired, nervous, and melancholy
  • Changes in your eating habits, whether you're losing or gaining weight
  • Sleeping a little more or a little less than normal.
  • Irritable bowel, diarrhoea, or constipation or any other gastrointestinal issues

Among the mental or behavioural signs are:

  • Feeling a little more emotional than usual
  • Feeling tense or overwhelmed
  • Having trouble remembering or keeping track of stuff
  • Making decisions, solving difficulties, concentrating, and finishing your work can be difficult
  • Using drugs or alcohol to cope with emotional stress

causes of emotional stress

One of the most common causes of emotional stress is the accumulation of feelings rather than their expression.

Relationship tension has a significant impact on our emotional lives and triggers intense emotional reactions. Our interpersonal ties have a crucial impact on our life, for better or bad.

Healthy relationships can bring not only happiness, but also resources in times of need, better resilience in stressful situations, and even extended longevity. Conflicted relationships and 'frenemies,' on the other hand, can make us feel worse about ourselves emotionally and even physically.

However, relationships aren't the only source of emotional stress. Various other causes of emotional stress are as follows:

  • Financial difficulties
  • An uncomfortable work environment
  • Facing major changes in life
  • The death of a loved one
  • Traumatic event
  • And a variety of other stresses can all lead to emotional stress

These causes can entice us to engage in unhealthy coping practices to alleviate the pain, especially when the situation appears bleak.


• "90% of visits to doctors are for stress-related illness with 60 % of these being repeat visits” CDC

•"85 % of illness is caused by stress” AMA

•"Emotional Stress is one of the leading causes of divorce, addictions, and weight gain/obesity.” P.A. & Stress Institute Study stated

Did you know 85% of illnesses are stress-induced?

Chronic, as well as emotional stress upsets the natural balance of the nervous system, which disturbs the body’s natural ability to maintain and repair itself (1).

This renders the body vulnerable to the effects of a poor diet, environmental toxins, and microbes.

Such a breakdown of a body’s natural abilities may result in disease and illness.


Emotional stress and sickness have a troubled relationship. Susceptibility to emotional stress differs from one person to the next. Genetic vulnerability, coping style, personality type, and social support are all factors that determine susceptibility to stress.

Not all forms of stress are harmful. Short-term stress has been found to increase the immune system, but persistent stress has a substantial impact on the immune system, which can lead to sickness.

Stress has the potential to negatively impact your physical and mental health. While some stress-related symptoms are clear, others may surprise you.

  • The function of your GI tract can be disrupted by emotional stress in a variety of ways. It might increase the production of digestive acid in the body, resulting in heartburn. It can also induce gas and bloating by slowing the emptying of the stomach, as well as increasing the amount of times your colon contracts, causing cramps and diarrhoea.
  • Emotional stress weakens the immune system, making it simpler to get sick and more difficult to fight off infections.
  • It might also make you mentally ill. Too much cortisol, a stress hormone, can make it difficult to focus or concentrate, leading to memory issues, anxiety, and despair.

How are childhood stress and trauma linked to illness?

A study by Kaiser Permanente involving over 70,000 individuals found that childhood emotional trauma was a significant enabler of certain chronic diseases and problematic behaviours in adults (2), namely:

  • Substance abuse - alcoholism, drug addiction, and smoking;
  • Depression;
  • Violent tendencies amounting to domestic abuse;
  • Suicidal tendencies;
  • Impulsive promiscuity;
  • Health hazards – liver disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease, and sexually transmitted diseases.
Stress related Health Hazards
Childhood Trauma

In addition, over seventy published studies, two of which tracked 11,000 people for twenty years, involving nearly 70,000 individuals found a tenfold increase in depression susceptibility amongst those who’d faced childhood trauma as opposed to those who hadn’t (2).

Moreover, childhood trauma has also been found to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in women, and depression in all adults (3).

The good news is through, you can reverse the negative effects of past trauma, even years later, with clinically proven therapeutic techniques like Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). 

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

top 6 tips to reduce EMOTIONAL stress:

While you can't always address these problems overnight, you can minimise the mental stress you feel and the toll it has on your health. Here are some activities to help you manage with emotional stress more successfully.

Tip 1: EFT Tapping Therapy

EFT Tapping Therapy is a self-help technique that involves tapping on acupressure points while saying relaxing statements out loud.

Clinical studies show EFT Tapping can reduce stress in seconds. You can learn EFT Tapping therapy online or in live in-person seminars. 

 What's more, is EFT Tapping combined with Inner Child work can resolve childhood trauma even as an adult and reverse symptoms of stress.

There is a technique known as tantrum tapping which you can try out straight away:

1. Best to do this standing up. So stand up.

2. Find the collar bone and tap underneath the collar bone

3. Make an "Ahhhh" sound

4. Stamp the feet together by tapping on the collarbone and making an "Ahh sound" as if having a tantrum

Tantrum Tapping

Tip 2: Sleep

There is more and more evidence to show sleep lowers the stress hormone cortisol, reduces weight and increases happiness.

Tip 3: Talking about It

Talk to a friend about what is stressing you out. Let them know before you begin you need them to listen to you. Just be aware, a friend can but in with advice which can cause even more stress.

So be open to seeking professional help to talk about it and feel lighter. We have a group of highly skilled and trained Elite Practitioners. Just message us to secure a complimentary consultation. 

Tip 4: Exercise

Physical activity reduces stress, whether it's walk, yoga, swimming or more rigorous activity. Even fun movements like dancing can get those happy chemicals chasing through your body. 

Tip 5: Breathing

A simple breathing exercise is to breathe in for 6 counts and out for 6 counts. The act of breathing relaxes the nervous system and calms the mind.

Tip 6: Meditation

This is my favourite. Sitting quietly with the eyes closed and breathing. 

How to reduce stress

how to eliminate emotional stress with eft tapping?

EFT Tapping to eliminate emotional stress is a clinically proven therapeutic method. Because people experience this unpleasant feeling and it can affect their well being, tapping can help them relieve tension and relax their nerves.

EFT Tapping is also simple to use and has a long-term effect. This approach also assists you in becoming more aware of your emotions and removing negativity from your mind and body.

Step 1: Identify what are you emotionally stressed about.

Explore the physical sensations in the body associated with emotional stress, and use the physical tension tapping process to reduce the sensations.

Then use the EFT Tapping Points Process taught in detail during EFT Practitioner Training Online.

Step 2: Uncover any memories or past events that are connected to that feeling.

Explore memories related to the physical tension and use the Tell the Story & the Movie Technique to clear it. 

To uncover the memories linked to the symptoms of emotional stress, you can ask questions like:

  • When have you felt these sensations before?
  • When did the sensations start? What happened?
  • Was there ever a time when you did not experience these symptoms?
  • What can trigger and bring on the symptoms?

You can ask the following questions:

  • When did the sensations start? What happened?
  • What do these sensations remind you of?
  • When have you felt emotionally stressed before?
  • What happens to trigger the stress?

These questions will identify your past experiences associated with stress. 

Use The EFT Process To Clear The Past Stress.

  • Identify past events linked to the feeling of stress and resolve it with the help of tapping therapy.
  • Connect with the stress and notice where do you feel it in the body.  
  • Then use the Physical Tension taught in detail during EFT Practitioner Training to clear the surface feelings and feel calmer.

Step 3: You can then begin the process by asking the following questions to explore further:

  • Where in the body do you experience the stress?
  • What is the colour, texture, size, shape of the emotional stress in the body?
  • What are the sensations like?

Emotional stress can sometimes be felt in a specific location like the heart and/or chest. 

The important thing is to use your specific words to describe the stress. 

Measure the intensity of your stress by asking yourself: 

"What number is the emotional stress at, where 10 is really high and 1 is not high at all." 

Just go with whatever comes up spontaneously, without overthinking about it. 

Begin by Tapping on the Karate Chop or Side of the Hand EFT Tapping Points: 

"Even though I feel this emotional stress and I feel it in my heart and it's at a number 8 and it's red in colour and it feels painful, I deeply and completely love and accept myself (Repeat 3 times)."

Then Tap on the facial and upper body EFT Tapping Points for Emotional Stress using the phrases:

  • Eyebrow: This emotional stress
  • Side of the eye: So stressed. 
  • Under the eye: Emotional stress in my chest.
  • Under the nose: It's ____ in colour.
  • Chin: At a number ____.
  • Collarbone: So ____.
  • Under the arm: This emotional stress
  • Thumb: I feel it in my heart.
  • Index Finger: So stressed.
  • Middle Finger: Emotionally stressed
  • Little Finger: It's the colour ____

Close the sequence by coming back the EFT Karate Chop Tapping Points and repeat once: 

"Even though I feel this emotional stress and I feel it in my heart and it's at a number 8 and it's red in colour and it feels painful, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

Relax: Take a gentle breath in and out and take a sip of water.

Step 4: Test Yourself.

At the end of the EFT Tapping for Stress Elimination, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • What number is the emotional stress at now?
  • What colour is the stress now?
  • How does it make you feel?

You can repeat this process by going back to Step 1 if you feel like the number could come down a little more. If not, you can stop the process.

Step 5: Better Yourself Here By Closing The Process With Love And Acceptance:

Identify positive tapping sequences to close the EFT Tapping Therapy for elimination of emotional stress.

An example of positive tapping is "Even though I was emotionally stressed, that was then and this is now, I choose to be calm now.

Then hold the thumb to calm the body and mind and release any residual stress. You can also use the Jin Shin Jyutsu finger hold process to eliminate the emotional stress.


Student nurses have been reported as having severe emotional stress and anxiety concerns during their schooling.

The goal of the study was to see how effective EFT is at reducing anxiety and tension as a possible stress management strategy for students.

The results showed that EFT can be an effective strategy for stress management and anxiety alleviation in nursing students after the process (4).

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In today's world, emotional stress infiltrates your life in a variety of ways.

But EFT allows you to express your emotions in the most efficient way possible while avoiding harming others' feelings.

So in closing, emotional stress is the biggest cause of illness. But you have the option to make your life peaceful and healthy.

Managing your stress can make a real difference to your health and lifestyle.


Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)

P.S. Want to discover if EFT Tapping is right for you? Book a Complimentary Discovery Call. 

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How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner

Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

In summary, one of the most significant causes of stress is the unknowingly held feelings and relationships. You must recognise and resolve the sensations linked with emotional stress. Avoiding this negative feeling will only make things worse, so if and when you realise you're experiencing emotional stress and it's not improving, try EFT Tapping for to eliminate emotional stress, which is a clinically proven approach for resolving those underlying feelings.


  1. Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry. Segerstrom Suzanne, Miller Gregory. Psychological Bulletin, Jul 2004.
  2. Trauma in the Addiction Family. Claudia Black, Dec 2010.
  3. Childhood Maltreatment as a Risk Factor for Adult Cardiovascular Disease and Depression. Batten Sonja, Aslan Mihaela, Maciejewski Paul and Mazure Carolyn, Journal of Clin Psychiatry, Feb 2004.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.

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