How balanced is the wheel of your life? Coach yourself to create the life you want.

Have you ever wanted to coach yourself to achieve your personal goals? More than likely, you’ve already got a list of your goals down on paper, but for some reason, you might feel unclear as to which goals are truly important for you at this time, and what areas of life need your focus.

Whether you are finding it challenging to achieve your goals, or you simply want more clarity with your current goals, apply the steps below in your life to gain tremendous insight on your goals and thus create lasting and massive shifts.

The first step to coaching yourself is to conduct a self-diagnosis of where you are currently, and The Wheel of Life is a great diagnostic tool to achieve this.


What is involved with The Wheel of Life tool is to identify the areas of life that are important to you, then prioritise them and finally rate where you are in each area of your life.

This will then surface 2 priority areas that require your focussed attention.

Areas of life include health, relationships, career, money, family and friends and spirituality.

Here are the steps to identify the areas in your life that are waiting for your coaching:

1. Draw a circle and split into 6 segments. In each segment place one area from the 6 areas of life: Health, Relationship, Wealth, Career, Family & Friends, and Personal/Spiritual.


You might be wondering, what might be included in each of these areas of your life. Here is a brief explanation below:

  • Health: This is your personal health and involves your physical, emotional and mental well-being and how good you feel about yourself and your body.
  • Relationships: This means the relationship you have with your significant other. If you are not currently in a relationship, this means the relationship with yourself.
  • Money: This includes finances, wealth, investments, fixed assets, bonuses, salary rewards, and recognitions.
  • Career: Your profession, whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, employed or even housewife or house husband (as taking care and managing a household is a full-time occupation!).
  • Family & friends: Your parents, siblings, extended family, in-laws and friends come into this category.
  • Spiritual or Personal: You can choose this 6th area as your personal area or spirituality. Choose the label that suits you and rate it however you feel about that area; there is no fixed formula. Other examples include emotions or inner balance.

2. Next, prioritise each area of your life so that you can identify which areas of your life are most important.

Rate each area of your life a number from 1 to 6, where 1 means high importance and 6 means not as important. Rank this according to the current importance for you. You will have to force rank these areas, where there can only be one number per area of your life or segment; for example, you cannot rank two areas of your life as number 1.  

When I first used the wheel of life the areas of my life in priority order were: career, money, spirituality, relationships, health and then family and friends.

In fact, at the time my health was in a ready bad state as I had been diagnosed with 3 stress related illnesses. This made me realise that I needed to shift my priorities making health my number 1 priority, and I had to move career and finances lower down. So my revised priority areas in life were ordered as health, relationships, career, finances, spirituality and friends/family.


3. Next, rate each area of your life on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is excellent and 1 is not excellent at all.

The key is to be completely honest with yourself while rating these areas. For example, if you started with health and your realised it was meaning it is not excellent and it’s also not poor, but somewhere in between, thus you’d rate it as a 5/10.



When I first used the Wheel of Life, my health was rated a 2, my relationship was 0, career was a 10, finances were also a 10, and my spiritual life 9.

My wheel of life didn’t even look like a wheel but some sort of wonky, uneven shape with some broken parts. No wonder I had areas in my life that were up and down!

By being completely honest, I was able to obtain an accurate picture of my life and where I was currently in regards to each area of my life.


4. After identifying and diagnosing the areas of your life, pick only two areas that requires your focussed attention and you will need to create goals for. 

These areas will either be areas that are important to you and may not be as outstanding as you would like or these are areas that you would like to be more outstanding.

The Wheel of Life was such an important tool as it really helped me to surface which areas of my life I needed more focussed attention and which areas of my life I needed to de-prioritise. For example, health and relationships became my number 1 & 2 priorities.


I realized I had been over-investing my time and focus in the areas of my career and finances, at the risk of having good health and fulfilling relationships. Thus, I focused my attention on my health first by putting in place a plan for proper nutrition and exercise.

In the area of my relationship, my insight was that I had to first develop a relationship with myself before I had one with a significant other in my life.



5. Then set a goal for the areas of your life you have picked.

It is best to state to goals in the positive as if they have already happened and with measures and timelines. Some example of goals for each of the areas of life are below:

  1. Health: I am size 10 and weigh 55 kg in one year from now
  2. Relationships: I am in a committed, fulfilling and healthy relationship by January 2017
  3. Career: My business has grown with 1000 new customers in 6 months
  4. Finances: The money in my bank account increases by 20% in 6 months
  5. Spirituality: I continue with my daily 10 minutes meditation and breathing practice
  6. Friends and family: I have new friends who I can trust and feel safe with, in 3 months

6. The final step is to make it happen is to coach yourself using the 7 Steps of Breakthrough Coaching with NLP:

  • Identify your desires and goals: Understand and identify your desired state or goal in the selected priority focus areas
  • Identify blocks: Discover what is preventing you from achieving what you want
  • Motivate self to change: You must be willing enough to want to change yourself
  • Change the old program: Uncover the limitations created from past events and change them to be what you want
  • Create the new program: Harness your mind power to create the new desired program
  • Act as if: Act and believe as though what you want has already happened
  • Take Action: Take massive action and celebrate your success; after all, a goal without action is just a dream!

Man on top of mountain

With Breakthrough Coaching and NLP, you’ll learn how to uncover limitations to clear them and reprogram your mind for success, confidence and excellence in communication.

If you’re interested in gaining more clarity and focus on your goals, the Wheel of Life is a great starting point for Breakthrough Coaching with NLP, and will enhance your results even further. So get your Wheel of Life spinning, and get on the path to making your goals come true!

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Disclaimer: If you have a medical condition, please visit your doctor and get a good medical diagnosis. The words on this blog do not replace the requirement for advice from a medical professional.

About the Author

Rangaan Head Shot RedDr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is a dynamic international speaker and trainer. She loves being able to share alternate therapy and coaching skills that enable real and rapid transformations. With a PhD in Cancer Research and her background in running a multi-billion dollar international business, she is currently the Founder of Vitality Living College.



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