I Helped My Son Overcome His Learning Difficulties Using EFT Tapping

Overcome Learning Difficulties Using EFT Tapping

EFT tapping for learning difficulties

If you get complaints from your child's teachers regarding their behaviour and studies, what would your usual reaction be?

Well, in such a scenario, most of the parents would react by yelling at their children and threatening them to correct themselves.

Little do they know that there is always a reason for every person's behaviour, be it a kid or an adult. The kid might have experienced some incident that left a negative impact on their minds, making them behave in a certain way.

Sometimes, the impact is just momentary and sometimes it can last a lifetime, ruining the kid's life. Parents should dig deeper to understand the reason and help their kids get over that situation.

Working mom Daisy Anand noticed that her son’s grades had dropped. Even the teacher had called her in to explain that her son’s behaviour had become aggressive and was also experiencing learning difficulties.

She had learnt EFT to become professionally qualified, so she decided to use the technique on her son. Instead of simply forcing EFT onto her son, she started practicing it on herself. Watching his mom feel calm and relaxed got him curious and he allowed his mom to practice EFT on him as well.

Through this they uncovered an incident where the teacher had inappropriately insulted her son and they used EFT to vent out all the pent up anger and frustration.

 “After EFT, my son was able to concentrate more on his studies and we no longer remember that teacher who insulted him. I even saw him use EFT on his own before a cricket match.

Using EFT has made us be ourselves with each other and has brought us closer, strengthening our bond four-folds.”

Daisy Anand

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.


1. Identify the problem by asking yourself, what am I stressed about and how does that make me feel?

2. Measure the problem by asking yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, where is high severity what number is the problem at.

3. Tap on the side of the hand (also known as the Karate Chop) of one hand gently with the middle three fingers of the other hand, and say and believe the following  statement: “Even though I am faced with…(state specific, detailed problem – what you feel, the severity number), I deeply and completely accept  myself. Repeat 3 times.

4. Tap each point seven times as you say a phrase from each problem’s statement. 

Repeat key phrases out loud while tapping on the following points:

  • Eyebrow – at the edge of the eyebrow just above the nose
    Beside the eye – on the bone bordering the outer corner of the eye
  • Under the eye – on the bone just under the eye
  • Under the nose– between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip
  • Chin – midway between the point of the chin and the lower lip
  • Collarbone– at the junction where the breastbone, collarbone, and first rib meet
  • Under arm – under the arm about 10cm from the armpit
  • Thumb – on the outside of the thumb, in line with the base of the nail
  • Index finger – on the side of the index finger closest to the thumb, in line with the base of the nail (refrain if pregnant)
  • Middle finger – on the side of the middle finger closest to the index finger, in line with the base of the nail
  • Little finger – on the side of the little finger closest to the ring finger
  • Karate Chop– on the edge of the hand(refer to diagram

5. To begin the final clearing stage, tap on the Karate Cop again with the following  statement: “Even though I am faced with…(state specific, detailed problem – what you feel, the severity number), I deeply and completely accept  myself. 

6. Relax, inhale gently, then exhale gently. Take a sip of water.
It is important to drink water to flush out the toxins that this treatment will release.

7. To test the results, measure the problem again from 1 to 10. Notice how the problem and associated emotions have been altered in severity. If any emotional charge persists, repeat all step still you feel liberated.

During the 4 days EFT Practitioner Training, as attended by Daisy Anand, you will also learn how to:

  • Shift limiting beliefs to move towards what you want
  • Work with adults and children on real life issues
  • Become qualified as a Practitioner

To find out more about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Level 1 & 2) Practitioner Training and how the training can help as part of a self healing program or to become become professionally qualified and make a difference to the lives of others and earn a living. 

For best results: Attending the 4 day Emotional Freedom Techniques training with a qualified Master Trainer or to booking a session with a professionally qualified and internationally certified practitioner is recommended.

Please e-mail us at  help@vitalitylivingcollege.info.

How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner

Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

In summary, EFT is very powerful tool to help with learning disabilities. By using EFT Tapping, you can also  reduce tension, promote a deeper mind-body connection, and manage symptoms of anxiety, depression or stress.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please do seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.

Learn Emotional Freedom Techniques for self-healing or to become professionally qualified - More

Our other seminars:

  • The Journey Healing Method - More
  • Breakthrough Coaching with NLP Practitioner - More

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