I started writing my pending book after Breakthrough Coaching and NLP !

I started writing my pending book after Breakthrough Coaching and NLP !

There cannot be anything more stressful than a job half-done. We all wish that there were a few hours extra in a day so that we could finish our pending work. There could be a number of roadblocks in achieving our goals or it could be just us procrastinating. We often create reasons in our head and delay the task at hand. But what do we do in such a case? Leave the work half-done and let the stress creep in?

These mental blocks need to open up. You need to set your mind free from any inhibition. Just like Nutan Kher, Author, Healer & Director did after attending the  Breakthrough Coaching  with NLP seminar. She felt very positive after the seminar. Her mind was open and free now. She says, “I am ready to write my book. It opened me up to writing and reading my pending book and thousands of other things.”nutan final

The Breakthrough Coaching with NLP attended by Nutan Kher is a 7 day intensive program where you harness the power of the mind to create the life, health, relationships , career and finances you want. Some applications of the program are:

  • Creating more fulfilling relationships
  • Achieving life and business goals
  • Influencing at work and home
  • Mobilising teams at work to be successful
  • Improving health, wellness and confidence
  • Eliminating fears, phobias and limitations
  • Leading and empowering yourself and others, Increasing confidence to move towards the career you desire
  • Becoming professionally qualified as a coach and making a difference to others and earning a living

Find out more about how Breakthrough Coaching with NLP can help you transform from the inside out as well as become professionally qualified as a Breakthrough Coach as well as NLP, Hypnosis and Timeline Practitioner. 

For best results: Attending the 7 day Breakthrough Coaching with NLP training with a qualified Master Trainer or to booking a session with a professionally qualified and internationally certified breakthrough coach and NLP Practitioner is recommended. Please e-mail us if you require either, help@vitalitylivingcollege.info.

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Disclaimer: If you have a medical condition, please visit your doctor and get a good medical diagnosis. The words on this blog do not replace the requirement for advice from a medical professional.

About the Author

Rangaan Head Shot RedDr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is a dynamic international speaker and trainer.

She loves being able to share alternate therapy and coaching skills that enable real and rapid transformations.

With a PhD in Cancer Research and her background in running a multi-billion dollar international business, she is currently the Founder of Vitality Living College.



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