I won over my severe anxiety attacks and back pain at the Journey!

We have all experienced anxiety or nervousness some time in our lives. Be it a poetry recitation in school, a job interview, public speaking or financial difficulties, we have all been there. But how do you know it is a disorder and not the normal anxiety? The distinction is quite blurred between the two. All we can do is find a solution or see a doctor and undergo an even more stressful treatment.

A review of scientific literature on the subject led by the University of Cambridge has found that women are almost twice as likely to experience anxiety as men (1). Developmental, societal, and reproductive factors are believed to contribute to the causes of this vulnerability. It is important to figure out the reasons and the kind of anxiety disorders and attacks one faces. Severe panic and anxiety disorders can take the life out of your life.

Yogita Somaiya, an Indian homemaker, conquered her anxiety attacks at The Journey. I am so grateful to the Journey workshop for various reasons. It has helped me heal my back pain. I used to get severe anxiety attacks which had torn me apart. The Journey has helped me to get to the root cause. I am working on myself and I can feel my body healing.Thank you, Rangana and God bless you,” says Yogita.

Since The Journey Seminars has been made available in 36 countries around the world it has helped thousands of people worldwide free themselves, for example:

  • Fear, worry, stress and anxiety vanishes
  • Depression clears
  • Low self-esteem and lack of confidence transforms
  • Chronic anger and rage comes to peace
  • Physical illnesses and diseases heal
  • Addictions and unhealthy behaviours shift
  • Past traumas and hurts resolve
  • Verbal, physical and sexual abuse heal
  • Relationship problems clear
  • Career performance increases
  • Spiritual realisations and developments accelerate

During the initial 3 day Journey seminar attended by Yogita Somaiya, you will learn how to:

  • Overcome emotional and physical issues
  • Awaken the inner healing potential
  • Open into unconditional love, peace and oneness

Find out more about The Journey Seminar and how it might help heal illness and awaken spiritually.

For best results: Attend The Journey seminar with a presenter appointed by Brandon Bays or professional sessions with an Accredited Practitioner.

Other articles you may be interested in:

Other seminars you may be interested in:


  1. http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/women-and-people-under-the-age-of-35-at-greatest-risk-of-anxiety

About the Trainer

Rangaan Head Shot RedDr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is a dynamic international speaker and trainer. She loves being able to share alternate therapy and coaching skills that enable real and rapid transformations. With a PhD in Cancer Research and her background in running a multi-billion dollar international business, she is currently the Founder of Vitality Living Collegehttp://vitalitylivingcollege.info/about-us/our-founder/

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in anyway replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please do seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.


Download a free booklet on the Journey with the first chapter by Brandon Bays as well as powerful healing stories of how others have healed.

Learn more about Vitality Living College: http://vitalitylivingcollege.info/about-us/

For the latest schedule of all our courses, visit Calendar.


