Reverse Diabetes With EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping for Diabetes

EFT Tapping For Diabetes

What is diabetes? What are its types, symptoms, and causes? What are the four keys to treating it? And how you can use EFT Tapping for diabetes to reverse it to live a healthy and happy life?

Getting a diagnosis is always scary. Especially, when it is a chronic illness like diabetes. You feel confused and overwhelmed. A whole range of emotions cloud your mind. 

There is a constant fear of undergoing a drastic change in your daily schedule. You feel resentful about the things you will not be able to do anymore. And the thought of possible complications can instill horror in you. But you know what, you are not alone.

About 422 million people worldwide are suffering from diabetes!

And yet, how much do we know about this disease?

To most people, diabetes is equal to high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). But high blood sugar is a mere symptom of diabetes, just like fever is a symptom of malaria. 

If you treat only the symptom, the disease is not going to go away. You need to find out and work on the root cause. So, what is diabetes? And what is the root cause of diabetes?


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that leads to high blood sugar levels, as a result of either of the two conditions(1):

  • Your pancreas do not produce any or enough insulin
  • Insulin is produced but your body can't use it effectively

Insulin is a hormone that your body needs to regulate blood sugar levels. Inadequate amount of insulin or ineffective use by the body causes the blood sugar levels to rise, which if left untreated, can cause serious harm to your nervous system, eyes, kidneys, and other organs.


Depending on the conditions stated above, there are various types of diabetes(1).

Type 1 Diabetes: It is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes: Here, the body is unable to process blood sugar levels.

Prediabetes: In this case, the blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to take the form of type 2 diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes: Here, the blood sugar rises above normal level during late pregnancy. Insulin-blocking hormones produced by the placenta is the cause for this type of diabetes. Women with gestational diabetes are at a higher risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery. These women and possibly their children are also at risk of type 2 diabetes in the future.

Gestational diabetes is diagnosed through prenatal screening, rather than through reported symptoms.

Let's talk in detail about type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

EFT Tapping for Diabetes



Type 1 Diabetes

This is known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes, which is a chronic condition. 

In this condition, pancreas produces little to no insulin. Insulin is the hormone which is needed for sugar/glucose to enter the cells and produce energy.

There may be various factors that contribute towards contracting this condition such as genetics and some viruses. Although, this is generally noticed during childhood and adolescence, in some situations, even adults develop this diabetes. 

This is an auto-immune disease. Although, there is no cure available, type 1 diabetes can be tackled with treatments focused on blood sugar levels, a good and healthy diet, and lifestyle to prevent any complications. 


  • Extreme hunger 
  • Increased thirst
  • Unintended weight loss 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Blurry vision
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Increased appetite
  • Numbness or tingle in hands and feet
  • Dry skin

Causes: The immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, resulting in low/no production of insulin. This could be due to genetic reasons, a virus, or a different reason.

Treatment: Insulin, through pills or injectables, is the main treatment of type 1 diabetes. A good diet, exercise, weight management, and blood sugar monitoring, are some of the treatments available today. 


Type 2 Diabetes 

This is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes. This is a lifelong disease, and doesn’t allow your body’s insulin to function the way it should. 

During this condition, your body is resistant to insulin, and sugar builds up in your blood.

This mostly develops in the middle-aged people and the elderly. This is also called as the adult-onset diabetes, but type 2 diabetes is also diagnosed in teenagers and children, mainly due to childhood obesity. 

According to Dr. Roshani Sanghani, a renowned endocrinologist (2), a majority of people who have diabetes (approximately 95%), suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms :

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are very mild, thus most of the individuals don't even know that they have this condition. Some of these symptoms are as follows: 


  • Increased hunger
  • Increased thirst 
  • Increased urination 
  • Blurry vision 
  • Tiredness 
  • Sores that are slow to heal 
  • Recurring infections
  • Mood swings
  • Numbness or tingling in hands or feet

Causes: Type 2 diabetes is caused due to lifestyle factors, obesity, as well as genetic make-up, metabolic syndrome, and too much glucose in the liver. 

Treatment: This includes medication and lifestyle changes such as balanced diet, weight loss, and exercise. 


Irrespective of the type of diabetes you have, Dr. Roshani suggests the following four keys to unlock a healthy life.


Diet is an important part of life if you've diabetes. You need good healthy food, which includes vegetables, fruits, seeds, etc. You can make your diet interesting by including complex carbohydrates and a lot of greens or some other healthy option.

After your diagnosis, you're likely to feel low and de-energized. "You can help yourself by consuming foods that are higher in pranic force or pranic energy", says Dr. Roshani (2). 

 ('prana' is a Sanskrit word meaning life force


"When was the last time you went three days without sleep? How did you feel? You could go three days without food and be okay, but when you don't get enough sleep, all your body's systems start to shut down slowly", points Dr. Roshani Sanghani (2). 

Sleep is very critical for a healthy recovery. So, you must sleep for eight hours every night. And that does not simply mean eight hours in bed.

Staying up late while using gadgets, and then sleeping for 8 hours does not work, because that is almost like giving yourself a jet lag sitting at home.

 Getting good sleep also means putting away your gadgets and all artificial light at the right time and getting timely sleep.

Stress/ Spirituality

Your body can't heal when your mind is stressed. Having the label of a chronic disease placed on you can be a very stressful experience. But to overcome this problem, you must slowly get over your stress.

Find activities that are stress-busters for you. It could be anything, from singing in the bathroom, to colouring and painting, even if playing video games is your chosen method of letting out stress. 

Find your spiritual peace, and free yourself of any unnecessary mental or emotional baggage you might be holding on to. 

I know it is easy to say, “Stop stressing”, but you will have to try in order to heal your condition. Over-stressing can further cause problems which you don't want. 

Instead, learn to practice self-love. Pamper yourself. Do those things that brings you joy, and eventually your healing process will increase significantly. 


A sedentary lifestyle can lead to several chronic illnesses including diabetes. This is mainly because it causes obesity, which in turn puts you at a higher risk of catching illness. 

Also, your muscles tend to be at rest due to prolonged sitting, and they will hurt when you occasionally try to use them. Dr. Roshani explains (2), "When we spend most of our time sitting on a chair or a sofa, we tell our butt muscles and core muscles that they are not needed, as the chair prevents the force of gravity from acting on these muscles." 

Frequent movement and an active lifestyle can prevent this from happening.

Now, right after your diagnosis, you might not have enough energy to suddenly start exercising. So, you can work on your nutrition and sleep first, get those straight, and when you feel better and energetic, start exercising. 

Make exercise a part of your daily routine, and be cautious to not have a sedentary lifestyle in general.


EFT Tapping is a very effective tool to take care of the mental and emotional aspects of any chronic illness that you might be suffering from. Whether you directly see it or not, how you feel has a massive influence on how quickly you heal. Your thoughts and emotions have a huge role to play in your healing process.

When we have negative emotions, it blocks energy in our body from flowing, which if unchecked and unexpressed, manifest themselves adversely, physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

After diagnosis, when you are at a treatment stage, where you could be motivated and keen on implementing all medical advice and lifestyle changes right away. 

This means your emotional and mental states are at a peak position. Therefore, you sincerely follow the diet and sleep advice recommended to you. 

Here,  EFT Tapping is good to keep up the motivation levels, release any doubts, unlock all your negative and unexpressed emotions, empower you, and embed only positive thoughts.

Or else, in a more likely scenario, you could be partially motivated or not so motivated. Then, the first step to begin tapping might be to get you in the peak emotional state, where you can accept where you are, accept the treatment plan, change the behaviour and make it happen.

Acceptance of your situation is the first step to finding a way out of it. Realizing that you have a chronic illness can be a very difficult and traumatic situation to cope for anyone. 

It can even cause an emotional breakdown. In such a situation, EFT Tapping might be precisely the help that you need.

Various emotional aspects of diabetes that EFT Tapping can help you deal with include:

  • Fear of being diagnosed
  • Fear of your favourite food being taken away
  • Frustration that your family does not understand how hard it is
  • Realization of victimhood
  • Suddenly being too hard on oneself, punishing oneself
  • Sense of abandonment
  • Guilt about the causes of the disease
  • Fear of complications
  • Fear of passing it on to kids
  • Feeling inadequate
  • Feeling a sense of shame
  • Feeling overwhelmed by everything going on around the problem
  • Fear about not knowing what to do
  • Fear of having to bring about drastic lifestyle changes
  • Resistance and resentment of the situation

It is completely normal and understandable to feel this way. Your feelings are valid. And with EFT Tapping, you can effectively sort these emotions and accept yourself.

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.


As Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (3) explains, EFT Tapping works on different stages of recovery.



The first stage is acceptance. You did not expect this to happen, and the thought of suddenly changing your entire lifestyle can seem daunting. 

There can be fear, shock, disbelief, and thoughts like, "How did this happen? Why me? Where did I go wrong? What now?" There can also be resistance and denial.

At this stage, EFT Tapping can help to: 

  • Release all types of fears and bring in calmness, because a calm body and mind are essential factors for healing a body
  • Clear up any resistance for making the necessary changes; for example, not wanting to have two bowls of vegetables, and salad, and craving all the comforting foods like a cheesy pizza, or a burgers, and fries, ice creams, samosas, etc
  • Accept the situation, accept the diagnosis, accept yourself, accept how you are feeling right now,  and prepare yourself  to do what it takes to heal and reverse your diabetes

When you begin to acknowledge and accept what you are going through, half the battle is won!


Emotional Release

 According to Kubler- Ross Change Curve, anybody going through a severe change undergoes the following five stages  - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance (4).

Someone diagnosed with a chronic illness also faces similar stages, with the second one being anger. The fear of what lies ahead can often turn into anger and resentment.

You might feel angry about the disease existing in the first place, or you could be angry and annoyed about everything that’s changing. So, this stage is about releasing all these emotions and opening up to possibilities.

EFT Tapping can help you cope with the changes, handle the anger and accept whatever is happening with a positive energy.


Discover how EFT can help you to self heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.


Healing the Root cause

 Once the anger, resentment, frustration is released and there is acceptance of the situation and its requirements, then the next stage is to complete the deep inner work.

With diabetes, there can be themes like:  

  • I am not lovable
  • I am not worthy
  • Low self-esteem

With chronic conditions like diabetes, lack of self-esteem plays a big role because the person wasn't able to prioritise himself/herself.

The person diagnosed with diabetes can have a “giver” archetype; giving to others but not giving to themselves.

There can also be feelings of abandonment, shame, and guilt. In many cases, there can be unresolved root memories and past trauma around: 

  • Being abandoned  
  • Not feeling loved
  • Heartbreak
  • Being conditioned to put others first
  • Made to feel inferior or less than someone  
  • Feeling less deserving

With EFT Tapping by using the Movie Technique or Tell The Story or the Inner Child Matrix for the deeper traumatic memories, you can address the root memories.

The steps involved are:

Uncover memories associated with the news of being diagnosed

For example, “How does the diagnosis of diabetes make you feel?” This question will uncover the feelings associated with diabetes and can sometimes be a springboard to deeper unresolved experiences.

Some examples of answers are: 

  • Scared
  • Overwhelmed
  • Stressed
  • Fearful  
  • Anxious
  • Nervous
  • Sad

begin tapping

You would begin by tapping on, “Even though I feel scared of being diagnosed with diabetes, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Then ask, “When have you felt like this before?” Once past memories are uncovered, they can be healed by removing the negative charge and making peace.

The final stage with Inner Child Matrix is to reset the body and mind for healing by commanding the cells in the body to activate a healing program, and let go of past toxicity and negativity.

This stage will be complete when you feel that you can accept yourself wholeheartedly and you're willing to put yourself first.   



This stage is about empowered decision making. Once you have accepted yourself and worked on the deeper things, it’s time for you to exercise choice, to prioritize things and people in life.

This is when you finally start looking at things more positively and learn to make healthy yet happy choices for yourself.

You find alternative solutions to manage your desires with your disease. You know what you want and what you need, and you find ways to get that without doubting yourself.

 At this stage, there can be past limiting beliefs, which EFT Tapping can help reverse and shift to more empowering ones, for example: 

  • I am worth it
  • I deserve the best


Getting over everything

 This stage is about getting over everything that happened and coming back to a daily routine. You make empowered choices and exercise them in your daily routine, taking care of your diet, exercise, and emotional management.

This is also the stage to give back to others and share your story. Also, to empower yourself and others.

It goes without saying that nobody wants to live with a chronic and life-long disease. It has the power to break us apart, and make us feel all the things that decrease our morale and our energy. 

With EFT, we can have our happiness back, we can live our life with joy and fulfillment. And the best part is we have the ability to heal ourselves, anywhere and anytime. We have control over ourselves.  


Discover how EFT can help you to self heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.


  2. Insights from Dr Roshani Sanghani, a US board certified Endocrinologist, an activist in the area of emotional health and a holistic health practitioner, practicing in Mumbai, India.
  3. Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri – Founder & CEO of Vitality Living College, an NLP Master Trainer, Inventor of Breakthrough Coaching, EFT Master Trainer, Matrix Reimprinting Trainer and Presenter for the Journey.

In summary, diabetes, like any other chronic illness, can seem daunting at first. You might feel a range of emotions and find yourself clueless. In addition to medications, and general lifestyle changes, an alternate therapy technique like EFT Tapping might prove to be of great use to help you deal with everything, cope up, and triumphantly rise from your illness.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.

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