Tag Archives for " EFT "

How To Use EFT Tapping To Quit Smoking

EFT Tapping To Quit Smoking

If you have made up your mind to quit smoking EFT is not only effective in helping you get rid of your addictions, it also helps you understand what are the feelings or emotions that led to the addiction in the first place. In other words, by using EFT, you are eliminating your addiction from its root cause. And when an addiction is eliminated from the root cause, it is easy to stay off it for good.

Why People Procrastinate and How to Snap Out of It

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” Pablo Picasso Have you ever put off completing a task? You know you had to send your coat to the dry-cleaners’ a week ago, and yet it is still lying on your couch. You had to help your father learn to operate […]

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