EFT Clinical Studies

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is clinically proven to lower stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, cravings, exam nerves, depression and inability to sleep to create health, happiness and vitality.

Below are the clinical studies which have been categorised in the following headings:

  • Outcomes studies - These studies compare the medical or psychological outcomes of two groups of people with similar symptoms, or the same sample before and after EFT. Outcome studies measure changes in, for instance, pain, depression, or PTSD symptoms.
  • Mechanisms papers - These papers explores how EFT works scientifically and biochemically.
  • Clinical reports - These describe the use of EFT with special groups, such as people with epilepsy, veterans, children, refugees, or prisoners. They may present a single case.
  • Review papers - These systematically gather together all the published evidence about a topic, present it in a structured manner, and evaluate that body of knowledge.

For fair balance there is also a section below listing papers written by skeptics and opponents of EFT.

Outcomes Studies


Athletic Performance


Pain & Physical Symptoms



Weight Loss, Cravings, & Addiction

Children in schools

Communication & Public Speaking

Clinical Reports


Another study by Dr. Swingle used EFT as a treatment for children diagnosed with epilepsy. The children were administered EFT by their parents every time each day that the parents suspected a seizure might occur. Swingle found significant reductions in seizure frequency among these very young children, as well as extensive clinical improvement in the children’s EEG readings after exposure to two weeks of daily in-home EFT treatment, an impressive result. This study has not yet been written up but can be cited as follows: Swingle, P. (May, 2000). Effects of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) method on seizure frequency in children diagnosed with epilepsy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Mechanisms Papers

Review Articles & Meta-Analyses

Skeptical and Opposing Viewpoints

Rebuttals to Critics

