
LASTING TRANSFORMATIONS in health, relationships, abundance, career and spirituality through inner child healing, EFT Tapping, Quantum Physics & Law of Attraction

Special Offer For Inner Child Matrix Training Closes On 19th November 2021


The Inner Child Matrix Program can be part of a program

  • To become professionally qualified as an Inner Child Matrix Practitioner or
  • Personal development and self-healing program or

Pre-requisities: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner Training needs to be completed with a qualified trainer.

New to EFT? If you are new to EFT you can enrol on the EFT Transformation Program instead which includes EFT & Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Training as a package. 

During the Inner Child Matrix Program you will learn how to:

  • Gain emotional freedom by making peace with the past hurt and discomfort;
  • Feel more in control and confident of your life with emotional balance and peace of mind;
  • Get to the root cause of powerlessness and trauma and be able to clear past shock;
  • Be able to heal allergies, pain, addictions, weight issues, sexual abuse, depression and anxiety;
  • Eradicate past limitations to create a compelling future;
  • Create empowering beliefs to overcome physical and emotional issues;
  • Resolve childhood and birth related challenges;
  • Conduct one to one professional emotional well-being therapy sessions with client's.

Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Certification is awarded at the end of training, assuming EFT Practitioner Training has already been completed.

This program is deeply healing where the skills learn can heal long standing issues like allergies, infertility, sexual abuse, accident trauma, grief, divorce, domestic violence, powerlessness, helplessness, non-acceptance, anger, fears and creates a space for unconditional love, happiness and contentment.

The benefits include and certainly not limited to:

  • Defeating food allergies - University Counsellor Mallika defeated 22 food allergies, including one to mushrooms;
  • Curing thyroid - Apoorvaa Pandit cures her Thyroid after learning EFT & Matrix Reimprinting;
  • Overcoming phobia to frogs - Iva West overcame her frog phobia as a result of a child-hood incident;
  • Managing depression - Anita's doctor stopped 75% of her medication that she was taking for clinical depression;
  • Unlocking confidence - After 54 years, Rajni felt her own light and confident enough to be herself;
  • Eliminating rage - Isobel Gordon was able to eliminate the rage within her and find peace.

I overcame food allergies, including mushrooms

I chose to work with my mushroom allergy and used the process taught during the seminar in the practice session. After the session, I went home and insisted that my husband take me out to dinner and that too, only to one particular restaurant. I chose theTaj Palace, mainly because I’d often seen my husband order the mushroom cappuccino there. And I had always noticed the look on his face as he told me how Yummy it was! So, having just gotten rid of my allergy, I now wanted to try it. As we sat down, I told him that I wanted the mushroom cappuccino. My husband did not think that I should try this, especially at night, and attempted to talk me out of it. I disagreed and told him that was what I wanted. Soon, the waiter stepped in and told us that it was on the house so we should go ahead and try it. We asked him to get one but he added that we could each have one. Yet, my husband, assuming that I couldn’t have it, told him that one
was enough. The soup fi
nally came and it was placed in front of me. The waiter and my husband watched me as I smelt it…. felt okay…. then took a small sip… and still felt okay… then took a deep breath and finally put a spoonful into my mouth! Hhmmmmm…. It was heaven! Now I know what I was missing on while my husband was able to have it all these years… I have now been eating mushroom and fish and all the things I previously had allergies to. Thank you EFT. Thank you Rangana’

Mallika Ramachandran , University Counsellor, Mallika Ramachandran

Inner Child Matrix Heals By  

Finding the root cause

Changing the beliefs

Re-wiring the past

 Setting the future 

So what is the science of Inner Child Matrix ?

By changing the past beliefs as a result of stressful situations in the past and the pictures/images associated with it, you end up changing the future biology. 

Beliefs are powerful and have an impact on the biochemistry of the body. 

Think a positive thought and you release an empowering set of chemical and think a negative thought and you release stressful chemicals.

According to scientist Bruce Liption, "Your belief contains more power than your reality."


My Thyroid reversed with EFT & Inner Child Matrix

“ .. as suggested by Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri, I started tapping – starting from surface issues, persisting through all what came up. After some weeks, I noticed that the symptoms of Thyroid had come down. A medical examination confirmed that I was free”

Apoorva Pandit , Access Bars Facilitator & EFT Practitioner

Buddha Enlightened Master, 500 BC

"What we think we become"

The 8 scientific principles Inner Child Matrix utilises to get rapid results

1. Utilises the science of epigenetics to re-set DNA

2. Un-earths and releases  "shock" frozen in time

3. Memory re-consilidation to re-write the past  

4. Creates new beliefs and hence neurological pathways

5. Creates community for healing to occur

6. Clears past trauma in a safe and gentle manner

7. Re-imprints the past by utilises the senses

8. A heart meditation to create the intended future


I let go of childhood rage to feel infinite peace

“Before I attended the course, I hadn’t realised how much damage my unexpressed anger/rage was causing me. Rangana and I found an event in my life when I was full of rage. By asking the right questions of my from inner child, it was really easy for me to access the event in my mind, while still feeling safe. For as long as I can remember I have been very scared of being angry because it felt like I would explode like a volcano and cause as much damage!

Getting in touch with this rage and letting it go was incredible. The change process was fantastic as I finally got to say what I really wanted. I am still able to picture the new image and feel so calm when recalling that memory. Since then my friends have told me how much younger I look and how calm I am. The other day someone, who I have only met a couple of times, introduced me as the calmest person she knows. It is all down to this fabulous technique.”

Isobel Gorden , Business owner & Holistic Practitioner

My brain and intuitive abilities got re-wired

“I knew about EFT before learning it from you (Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri, PhD), but doing EFT level 1,2 & 3 and Inner Child Matrix was an entirely different experience. I got opportunity to learn this subject in detail and received authentic material to study. From EFT Level 1 and 2 Training, I could understand the uniqueness and strength with which you deliver entire workshop. EFT Level 3 gave me alot of freedom and flexibility in handling many different issues. And Inner Child matrix is the real magic which allows to relieve the past in complete different manner, so as to make positive shift in that area in future and that too in short span compared to proper EFT sessions. And thanks to all the teachings which go beyond workshop my brain is now rewired and my intuitive abilities enhanced, which is essence of EFT Level 3 & Inner Child Matrix.”

Pramod Dalvi , IT Professional & Healer

All the training courses are highly interactive with live demonstrations, practice sessions and experiential learning

that means each person will leave knowing the technique inside out and 

able to use with ease and confidence the very next day.

Live Demonstrations 

Practice Sessions

Experiential Learning

Relaxation Sessions 

Benefits Of The Inner Child Matrix Technique 

  • Very easy to use and gentle on clients
  • Quickly finds core issues, related trauma and beliefs
  • Locates and resolves early trauma, beyond client’s awareness and conscious memory
  • Allows wisdom to be gained from past events
  • Send a message to the body/cells/DNA the trauma is over
  • Rewrites the past and provides positive resources to be able to easily let go
  • Naturally utilises the law of attraction in a very powerful way
  • Create positive beliefs and client driven reframes/cognitive shifts

You Will Learn How To Get To The Root Cause Of Healing Challenges In:



Finances & Career


Our Next Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Training Program 

Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Training Program Online

From the comfort of your own space.

Trainer: Sudha Prabhu

Training Days & Dates: 

  • Inner Child Matrix Foundational: 29th November - 2nd December 2021 (Mon-Thurs)
  • Inner Child Matrix Practitioner: 6th - 9th December 2021 (Mon-Thurs)

Timings: 10-1 pm & 4-7 pm daily IST

Online Location: Via Zoom Link. To be provided by e-mail and WhatsApp a day before training.

Pre-requisites: EFT Practitioner Training

So What's Included In The Inner Child Matrix Training Program

Overview of the Inner Child Matrix Program

During the program you will learn how to:

  • Get to the root cause of powerlessness and trauma
  • Clear shock as a result of trauma
  • Combine the law of attraction with EFT
  • Change past limitations to create a compelling future
  • Create empowering beliefs to transform past and current issues rapidly
  • Learn how to create fulfilment in health, relationship, financial, career and spiritual areas of life
  • Discover your life's purpose and embed it into the future
  • Resolve childhood and birth related challenge

Inner Child Matrix Foundational Training

Pre-requisities: Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner Training 

The Inner Child Matrix Foundational training curriculum includes:

Day 1: Introduction to the Inner Child Matrix

  • What is Inner Child Matrix ?
  • The science behind Inner Child Matrix
  • Clearing past negativity, helplessness and trauma

Day 2: Healing past memories gently

  • How to safely uncover past memories
  • How to gently clear many memories at once
  • How to discover forgotten and pre-consciousness memories

Day 3: How reverse the impact of limiting beliefs

  • The different ways of uncovering beliefs 
  • Clearing the root cause of limits
  •  Embedding empowering beliefs

Day 4: How to heal trauma, powerlessness & helplessness

  • The steps to cleaning trauma
  • Uncovering the T-1 moment (the moment before trauma)
  • What is the freeze response and how to clear shock from trauma

Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Training

Pre-requisites: Inner Child Matrix Foundational Training (Level 1)

The Inner Child Matrix Practitioner training includes:

Day 5: Health & Wellness 

  • The importance of the heart and quantum physics
  • Transforming beliefs for mental health
  • Clearing  health issues to enable wellness
  • Transforming habits, past shock and addictions

Day 6: Relationships 

  • Making peace with any relationship challenges
  • Resolving family conflicts
  • Manifesting even more fulfilling relationships
  • Free oneself from verbal, physical and sexual abuse

Day 7: Finances & Career

  • Uncovering financial and career limits
  • Manifesting money with ease and power
  • Using Inner Child Matrix with real issues
  • Clearing future worries and anxiety to feel calm

Day 8: Life Purpose 

  • Discover your Life's purpose
  • Clear birth related challenges
  • Manifesting the future now

How To Get Certified As An Inner Child Matrix Practitioner

It can be applied to business, work, and relationships, as well as creating personal satisfaction. 

This course is ideal for:

  • ANYONE on a personal development and self-help journey and want to create the life they want,
  • Managers and leaders who wish to coach themselves and their staff at work,
  • HR professionals, trainers, consultants and coaches who wish to add a coaching system to their existing programs,
  • Entrepreneurs, business owners, and ambitious, success-oriented professionals,
  • Healers, practitioners, therapists, medical health professionals, doctors, nurses, and counselors,
  • Those wanting to work professionally as life coaches, trainers, therapeutic coaches, corporate coaches, or business coaches.
After 7 days of intensive training with Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD), 5 qualifications are awarded:
  • NLP Diploma,
  • NLP Practitioner,
  • Breakthrough Coaching,
  • Timeline Technology,
  • Hypnosis Practitioner +
  • Free membership of online and SMS support groups,
  • All lunches and refreshments,
  • Invitation to form a Momentum Group in your city.

For those who have completed EFT Practitioner Training, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Certificate is awarded on:

  • Submission of 3 case study sessions completed on 2 clients (You can also include these in EFT Advanced Practitioner Certification)
  • Submission of  one video of giving an hour long Inner Child Matrix session
  • Becoming a Certified EFT Practitioner

About The Trainer

Ms. Sudha Prabhu, a successful HR Leader, trained psychologist & queer affirmative, is also an accredited practitioner across multiple therapeutic modalities including EFT and Inner Child Matrix. A process worker, a yoga and meditation teacher, she also leverages the potency of expressive arts in her work with corporates and individuals as a Transformational Coach and Consultant.

Sudha has worked with hundreds of clients using EFT & Inner Child Matrix, resulting in healing people experiencing burnout and exhaustion due to prolonged stress, feeling stuck, lost and confused, gender-related concerns and issues, health labels - physical and emotional - grief and loss, childhood trauma, unhappy relationships. She empowers her clients to create clarity and focus to heal their past and move forward with confidence, enhanced energy levels and well-being, besides encouraging them to make choices from a space of freedom; while having a loving authentic relationship with self.

Passionate about inner transformation, enhanced performance & relationships and spirituality, very creative and versatile, she holds a non-judgmental, compassionate, loving space for her client to feel and own their resourcefulness and strength to live their dreams and lives powerfully.

Feel Happy & Healthy

Make a difference

Earn a living 

Become professionally certified  

Cannot make Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Training? 

Sign up for a "FREE" Booklet on how EFT and how healing your emotions, heals your life. 

Copyright 2021 by  Vitality Living College & Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)  I Privacy Policy I Disclaimer
