How To Use EFT Tapping To Quit Smoking

EFT Tapping To Quit Smoking

EFT Tapping To Quit Smoking

In this article, we will look at why people smoke, the toxic effects of smoking, and overcoming this harmful behaviour with the help of EFT Tapping. This alternative therapeutic method is very helpful to individuals who are addicted to smoking.

I was on the verge of losing my job and everything I'd worked for. It didn't seem to matter anymore. I was stressed, frustrated, hurt, disturbed, and most of all, I was afraid of having to start all over again.

The only thoughts that came to my mind were, "What would my parents think?", "Will I find another well paying job?", "Will I even find a job?", "Am I going to end up being a failure?".

All of it was so overwhelming, I just couldn't help it. I got a pack of cigarettes and took a long, satisfying drag; it felt like all my troubles were melting away.

It helped me so much during times of distress that I just couldn't resist smoking even while facing the smallest of issues, and that's where the trouble began.

This habit got to a point where I started having breathing difficulties and had to be taken to the ER, which is when the doctor advised me to take care and manage my smoking habits, or else there was no telling how badly it was going to affect me. I got worried and decided to do something about it.

Since I had my own practice based on Emotional Freedom Techniques, I used EFT Tapping to overcome my addiction and it changed my life completely.

From smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day to 1 pack a week and so on, EFT helped me get rid of this addiction that may have possibly ended my life.

stop smoking

While we all may have seen the warning, "Cigarette smoking is injurious to health" on cigarette packets and advertisements, an addicted smoker might filter the warning out completely and continue the damaging habit.

Most people are easily lured into thinking that addictive behaviours are going to help them in the long run, but by the time they realise how it is negatively affecting them, it's too late.

They wish they could quit, but somehow they can't. They also jeopardise their health — both mentally and physically, as well as wasting time and energy and even money.

Not even the alarming research reports of deaths as a result of smoking or passively inhaling another person's smoke seems to deter them.

  • The annual deaths, as a result of smoking-related diseases, were 7.1 million worldwide.
  • Of the 7.1 million, 884,000 deaths were as a result of being exposed to second-hand smoking also known as passive smoking. (1)

"Smoking is the perfect way to commit suicide, without actually dying."

Damien hirst


Sometimes a smoker might want to smoke because they:

  • want to be on their own, away from people and immersed in their thoughts
  • are feeling low or sad
  • want to feel part of the 'gang' in the crowd
  • are having trouble thinking clearly and concentrating
  • want to feel confident and in control
  • are feeling restless and jumpy
  • want to relax after having a stressful day
  • are having trouble sleeping (2)

Although people might smoke for fun initially, it can turn into a pattern.

Smoking can start connecting with your other day-to-day activities like hanging out with friends, taking a break, watching TV, etc. and then eventually it becomes a part of your daily routine.

Addicts form a mental or emotional dependency on the cigarette, since nicotine is an addictive substance. Addiction is the main reason people smoke, but it’s not the only reason.

It distracts the user from unpleasant feelings, but as it starts to wear off, the user tends to light up another cigarette.

Over time, your body and brain get used to being fed nicotine. It creates a buzz of pleasure and energy that makes you forget about your worries for a little while.

Then, the buzz fades and you might want to chase that buzz again. This up and down cycle happens over and over and that's what leads to addiction.

In fact, nicotine is so addictive that when there was a research conducted on 28 people to review if they can quit the substance they were addicted to, they found that even though 58% of people were able to quit drinking and cocaine collectively, only 8% were able to quit smoking. (3)

The important thing to remember is that 'smoking or any other addiction or craving can be given up only if the person is fully convinced that they want to.'


Regardless of how often you smoke, the consequences of smoke getting into your body are going to be harmful and very risky. It can lead to problems that may surface immediately and/or in the long term. (4)

>> Here are some of the effects of smoking on our body:

  • Harm and damage to the body's internal organs
  • Cancer of the mouth, throat and kidneys
  • Heart diseases
  • Clotting of blood
  • Insomnia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Increased risk of blood and/or lung cancer
  • Age-related muscular degeneration 
  • Weakened immune system
  • Smelly hair and unhealthy teeth

>> Pregnant women who smoke have a higher risk of:

  • Premature birth
  • Miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Placental abruption
  • Baby born with a cleft palate or cleft lip
  • Baby born at a lower weight

>> In addition to all of these issues, smoking also has long-term and immediate consequences that require constant and on-going care, like:

  • High blood pressure (making you prone to heart attacks)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Increased risk for diabetes, bronchitis and artery diseases
stop smoking

Of course, smoking is a choice and in my private practice, I notice those who smoke and want to give up and have not yet managed to, because of having something known as secondary gain.

Secondary gain is where you have the benefit of not giving up smoking. For example, chances are someone who smokes might have anxiety. The act of smoking calms the anxiety down.

The smoker is taking a breath in and out which calms the nervous system down.

Many people smoke because it's a way they have learned to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, negative moods, and the stress of daily life.

So, I really empathise with smokers and understand the reason they might not want to give up.

Nevertheless, smoking is a harmful addiction and habit, which people need to let go of, in order to live a longer and happier life.

Since it is quite difficult to quit, becoming clear of your goals and making sure you are in the right headspace to get rid of this addiction, will make it easier for you to recover from it.

There are ways to deal with your emotions without smoking. For example, counselling can teach you ways to cope, and support from loved ones can help too.

People say that they use nicotine for many different reasons—like stress relief, pleasure, or in social situations. One of the first steps to quitting is to learn why you feel like consuming it.

Then you can think about the reasons why you want to quit.


Many of us have come across people who smoke on the streets, in our friend circle or even at home. When we breathe in the smoke they exhale, it is known as Passive Smoking.

Second-hand smoke is very harmful and non-smokers who inhale this are very prone to lung cancer, and are also vulnerable to cancer of the upper throat and/or the larynx. Children are particularly at risk of chronic health problems caused by passive smoking.

passive smoking

Passive smoking is extremely harmful. People who live with individuals who smoke regularly, are at increased risk for nicotine and tobacco-related health issues, such as:

  • Lower levels of antioxidant vitamins in the blood
  • Regulated blood vessel flow
  • 20% to 30% higher risk of lung cancer
  • Since the blood becomes sticky and clots, there is a higher chance of getting strokes
  • In pregnancy, developing fetus can be affected (5)

Often, active smokers believe that their reasons for smoking are valid. However, passive smoking is a very strong motivation to quit.

If you're finding it hard to quit, the health of your family members and friends should be reason enough to make you want to let this bad habit go.

Thinking over this, you wouldn't want to deliberately affect them, would you?

There may be times that either you or your clients want to quit, but are unable to do so. They have tried so many things; however, nothing works.

In such a situation, an addiction may be difficult to break because addictive substances and highly intense actions trigger the release of dopamine in an individual’s brain.

A proven way to beat addiction, and especially smoking, is through Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

If you are new to EFT, you can download the free booklet below that gives you the detailed steps on how you can use EFT Tapping.

New To EFT? Learn How EFT Tapping Heals, Even Smoking

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety and past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

If a person is not fully convinced or does not really want to give up smoking, chances are that the urge to smoke may return.

So, when working with a client who wants to quit smoking, gauging their commitment level is a really good place to begin.


EFT Tapping to quit smoking is a clinically proven therapeutic method. Since smoking addictions are extremely common and difficult to let go of, there are certain tapping methods to help you overcome this negative, harmful habit.


Begin The EFT Process By Asking Yourself

  • What made you feel like smoking?
  • When did you first feel like smoking?
  • What happened, to make you feel this way?
  • Would you could quit smoking, if you could?


Start Tapping On The Side Of Your Hand

“Even though I feel the need to smoke ….. and I can feel it in my ….. and it’s at a number ….. and it makes me feel ….., I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

Repeat this 3 times.


Start Tapping On The Upper Body, Facial And Finger Tapping Points

  • Eyebrow: I feel like smoking because …..
  • Side of Eye/Temple: I feel it in my …..
  • Under Eye: It’s at a number …..
  • Under Nose: It makes me feel …..
  • Chin: It’s in my ….. at a number …..
  • Collarbone: It makes me feel ….
  • Under the Arm: So ….
  • Thumb: So ….
  • Index Finger: I feel like smoking because …..
  • Middle Finger: I feel it in my …..
  • Little Finger: So ….


End This Sequence By Tapping On The Side Of Your Hand Again

“Even though I feel the need to smoke ….. and I feel it in my ….. and it’s at a number ….. and it makes me feel ….., I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

Repeat this only once.


Take A Deep Breath And A Sip Of Water


Test Yourself By Asking

“What intensity is this the urge to smoke at?”

If it has reduced to a level you feel happy with, you can stop. If you would want to reduce it more, start the procedure again.


Emotional Freedom Technique is an alternative therapeutic technique that helps people overcome physical and mental problems. It is an effective and long-lasting method that doesn't take up a lot of time for administration as well.

EFT Tapping to quit smoking stimulates the body to let go of any negativity that causes the individual to smoke. It increases the body's ability to fight the urge to smoke or relapse back into the old pattern.

EFT tapping to quit smoking is also clinically proven and has assisted a lot of people to quit.

There has been clinical evidence of the success of EFT Tapping to Quit Smoking :

  • During an EFT workshop, 39 adults battling addiction indicated a significant reduction in psychological distress, once they used Emotional Freedom Techniques. There were also improvements on the intensity of their psychological symptoms, anxiety and OCD scales. (6)

Even though Emotional Freedom Techniques can be administered on the self, it is recommended to consult a professional EFT Practitioner to get help for physical and/or emotional issues you may be facing.

New To EFT? Learn How EFT Tapping Heals, Including Smoking

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

While some people find quitting empowering, others may find it really difficult, and it is completely normal, since everyone's body responds to things differently. Keep on trying is what we can do to overcome this addiction.

During the process of quitting, there may be instances where you might face withdrawal, where you desperately feel like smoking again. These symptoms can range from a normal flu to something even life-threatening.

Since addictions can mask mental health disorders, it is very important to address these issues, or else you will not be able to let go of this negative habit.

With EFT Tapping, what you will find is that smoking leaves you rather than you leave smoking. It is advisable that every time you want to smoke or have the urge to smoke, complete a round of EFT Tapping before lighting up.

It is important to remember that smoking, alcohol or any other addiction can be eliminated for good.

Emotional Freedom Techniques can help dig deeper into the real emotion that keeps someone addicted to a substance and eliminate it from its root cause.


Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)

P.S. Want to discover if EFT is right for you? Book a Complimentary Discovery Call.

How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner

Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

In summary, quitting an addiction is difficult for everyone and people will have different responses during the process. However, it is not impossible to let go of this negative, harmful habit. EFT can help you to quit smoking. As the emotions, memories and beliefs associated with smoking start to lift, smoking will leave you versus the other way round.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.

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