What is EFT Tapping? And How Does it Work?

EFT Tapping

about emotional freedom technique

What is EFT Tapping what are the tapping points? How does this clinically proven technique

help  reduce anxiety, stress, in adults, teenagers, and children; and how to be a Certified Trainer?  


1. Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Technique is an alternative therapy that is used to overcome physical and mental issues experienced by people. It involves tapping on specific energy points on the body – primarily on the head and the face.

Further, this therapy restores the balance and flow of energy to resolve or tackle physical and emotional problems. Also, this technique integrates the ancient science of acupressure with modern day psychology.

1.1. How Does EFT Tapping tHERAPY Work?

EFT works by tapping on the meridian points to restore the balance in your body’s energy system, which consists of inter-connected pathways. These points run throughout your body and cover all major organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, etc. 

Disruptions in the energy system results in physical discomfort, negative emotions, and behaviour. Therefore, it's essential to clear the blocks in the energy systems. 

When you tap on these points and repeat specific phrases loudly, the energy system is cleared, and you feel relieved from emotional or physical distress. 

1.2. What One Should Know Before Using EFT Tapping Therapy?

There is nothing specific that you should to know before using EFT Tapping therapy.

Whenever I conduct sessions, or teach students about Emotional Freedom Techniques, one thing I make sure they know, is that EFT is the only touch-and-talk technique.

Moreover, in EFT, you have to touch or tap meridian points on your hands, face, fingers, as well as below the collar bone and under arms while saying certain statements out loud. 

EFT Tapping for Anxiety

1.3. Who can use EFT Tapping?

EFT is helpful for anyone going through issues such as stress, emotional eating, phobias, fears, health challenges, emotional imbalance, acidity, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), trauma, abuse, heartbreak, and even fitness freaks.

EFT is also helpful if:

  • You want to learn about emotional wellness or therapy
  • You want to heal from within and free your limits
  • You want to help yourself and others
  • You are seeking a new profession to help people heal and transform
  • You want to boost your career and emotional balance

1.4. How do I frame EFT Tapping sentences?

Sentence formation while tapping on specific points is quite easy.  You can begin tapping by saying, “Even though” and then “I have this problem.” Replace the word, “problem” with whatever you're working on such as:

  • I am angry at myself for shouting at my daughter.
  • I feel guilty for not fulfilling my promises.
  • Tension in my head at a number five.

So, for example, if you've got a headache, “Even though I have this headache, it's a number five, it's in my head, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

That is how you frame the sentence three times and then use the middle part (for example, number five and in my head) on the facial points.

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

1.5. What actually happens during EFT tapping?

When we start tapping, we are basically opening up the meridians or the subtle energies, which allows energy to flow freely in the body.

We’re also using statements to create a change and a shift in the thinking process.

Moreover, there are physiological markers that change as a result of EFT Tapping. 

1.6. How often can we practice THE EFT TAPPING self-healing process? 

You can practice it every day, weekly, morning & evening, three times a day or as often as you want. I highly recommend you to follow the body. Notice where in the body you feel it, then tap on it and get along with it.

2. What are EFT Tapping Points?

In EFT Tapping, you have to touch or tap on specific points as displayed in the images.

  • on the face
  • on your hands   
  • fingers 
  • below the collar bone 
  • under the arms
EFT Tapping Points
EFT Tapping Points (Hand)

2.1. Why don't we tap on the ring finger?

The meridian on the ring finger is on the other side of the finger. Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, wasn't sure if people will remember it and so he just preferred to miss the point. So, we leave out tapping on this finger. However, there is no harm in using it.

2.2. Does it make a difference if we use fingers of left or right hand?

No, it doesn’t make a difference. You can hold either left or right hand fingers.

2.3. is it necessary to tap on one hand or both?

You can tap on either. You can even do one round with one hand and the next round with the other.

2.4. is there a specific order for eft tapping?

No, there is no specific order. Pick a point that works better for you.

In addition, the minimum time you need to hold it for is until the pulse in one hand synchronises with the pulse in the other hand. This process can last from seconds to a minute, or 2 – 5 minutes, or a maximum of 20 minutes.

2.5. How many times we have to tap on the side of the hand?

For  the Karate Chop (side of the hand), begin by tapping three times for the statement, and seven times on the upper body and facial points.

2.6. Can we do it on any side of the face?

Yes, you can do it on any side of the face, using two hands together or even one hand.

2.7. Can we switch hand for the Karate Chop Point during the session?

Yes, you can change the hands for the Karate Chop Point during the session or after a round of tapping.

2.8. can we tap on one side of the face with the opposite hand?

Yes, you can do that.

2.9. When to shift tapping from one point to another?

You can shift the tapping point when it’s time to say the next part of the phrase.

For example,

  • Eyebrow: This anxiety… (shift)
  • Side of the eye: So anxious… (shift)
  • Under the eye: Anxious in my chest… (shift) 
  • Chin: It’s at a number… (shift)
  • Collarbone: So rough... (shift) 
  • Under The Arm: This Anxiety (shift)
  • Thumb: I feel it in my chest... (shift) 
  • Index Finger: So anxious... (shift)
  • Middle Finger: Really anxious... (shift) 
  • Little Finger: The colour red... (shift)

2.10. Can we cross our legs during the EFT Tapping Process?

Yes, you can cross your legs during the process. It depends on your belief system and convenience.

2.11. WhEN SHOULD YOU AVOID tapping on the head/crown?

Tapping on the crown is very powerful for manifestation and abundance. When you tap on the head, energy directly manifests there. 

So, we don’t tap on the head while saying negative statements. I teach positive tapping on the head only in the advanced sessions. 

Further, it is recommended at the end of the tapping sequence to enforce positivity after clearing distressing negative emotions.

2.12. is it necessary to do different tapping for vaIOUS body pains? 

No, you can use the same tapping sequence for different parts of the body. The important thing is to do it in a customised manner. First, you need to work on the surface symptoms, then the emotions associated with them and then finally, on the root cause.

2.13. Are there any specific points that one should or should not tap?

We recommend not tapping the index finger and the ankle point if someone is pregnant. Other than that, you can tap freely and throughout the day.


The EFT Tapping statements are the phrases you use after your start tapping on the side of the hand.

The reason to begin on the side of the hand is there is something known as psychological reversal, which means a block to EFT working.

By beginning tapping on the side of the hand (or Karate Chop) you can start to negate any blocks to EFT working. So the first statement while tapping on the side of the hand is, "Even though I have this problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway."

After tapping 3 times on the Karate chop, the next step is to tap on the facial and upper body points with the reminder phrase. The reminder phrase is a short phrase that reminds you or your client of the problem, so that it can be cleared.

Example of ETF Tapping statements below:

  • Karate chop: Even though I have this stress, I deeply and completely love and accept myself (3 times)
  • Eyebrow: This stress
  • Temple/ Side of the eye: So much stress
  • Under the eye: This stress
  • Under the nose: Stress
  • Chin: Stress
  • Collar bone: This stress
  • Under the arm: This stress
  • Thumb: This stress
  • Index finger: This stress
  • Middle finger: Stress
  • Little finger: Stress
  • Karate Chop: Even though I feel stressed, I deeply and completely love and accept myself

3.1. is it okay to say the statements on karate chop only once?

For beginners, it is recommended to repeat those statements 3 times, whereas, individuals at an advanced level can change it according to what works better for them.

3.2 What is the concept behind the initial set up phrases and the phrase “I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway"?

The concept behind the initial setup phrase consists in telling the truth to ourselves. For example, when we say “Even though this problem happened, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”, the concept of love and acceptance come into play and help to release the negative energies.

Tapping hands

3.3. How can you create statements TO DISCOVER THE UNDERPINNING CAUSE?

Before you start to create statements to discover the core issue, begin by working on the symptoms associated with the presenting problem.  

Then use EFT Tapping to work layer by layer, till you get to the heart of the matter. The statements and questions arise form deep listening and pacing the session to where the client is at. 

3.4. how to define colours, AND shapes while releasing tension?

When you are working on releasing physical tensions, one of the reasons for asking colours, shapes, and sensations is because we want to uncover the details of the pain stored in your body.

For example, it can be sensations like throbbing pain or shapes with colours such as a big round red ball.

However, there is no particular rule for defining colours, shapes, or sensations. You could use anything that comes to your mind at that point of time.

3.5. How do I frame the sentence for work-related stress?

For work stress you can use the following tapping process:

  • Tap on the Karate chop while saying, “Even though I have this work-related stress in the back of my neck and it makes me feel stressful and it’s at a number seven, I love and accept myself anyway."
  • Tap on the facial points - “the throbbing stress, is really throbbing, so throbbing, it’s really throbbing, throbbing in my neck.”
  • Tap on the Karate chop again, to close the sequence - “Even though what I’m really scared of, is losing money and I don’t want to lose money, I love and accept myself.”

3.6. How does one rate a goal?

While working on goals, ask questions such as:

  • What prevents you from not achieving the goal?
  • How does that make you feel?

Using these answers you can rate the goal. So, if the answer was "it makes me feel helpless", then measure the helplessness on a scale of 1 to 10 for rating it.

3.7. How do we phrase the issue or goal? 

Firstly, identify the problem and how it makes you feel. Also, measure the intensity of the problem. After identifying these aspects, use the following sequence:

“Even though I (name problem), it makes me (how do you feel), and it’s at (intensity), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

For example “Even though I am really stressed because I have too much work and it makes me feel anxious and it’s a 10/10, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.


4.1. Is EFT a permanent relief for a problem?

EFT is a clinically proven technique that provides relief to several problems such as stress, cravings, emotional eating, phobia, fear, past negativity, and distressing memories.

4.2 What IS the Clinical Evidence For EFT Tapping?

The clinical evidence proves that EFT is effective in lowering stress, anxiety, depression, and past pain; thereby leading to good health and happiness. 

4.3. For how long should one do EFT tapping? 

A session with a practitioner is an hour long, but if you’re doing your Personal Peace Procedure or working with yourself, it can be as long or as short as you want.

4.4. Why do we sip water at the end of Tapping?

Tapping releases toxins present in the organs inside the body. Water helps in flushing them out of the system. People who don't drink enough water may also feel dizzy. So, it is advised that you drink a lot of water.

4.5. When working on an issue, do I check how I am feeling in my body?

You’ll have to check all the places and in all the different ways. You check with reference to the issue, as well as the body.

The reason we check with reference to the body is because the body never lies, whereas the nature of the mind is riddled with doubts, fears, and anger. This is the only reason we check how we’re feeling with reference to the body.


One of the best ways to identify underlying the root cause, is to ask questions. 

For example:

  • When did the problem start?
  • What has to happen for the problem to resolve?
  • What was happening in your life, when the problem started?
  • How does the problem make you feel emotionally? When have you felt like that before?

Once you to learn to ask the right questions, you will find it's easy to uncover and clear any surface problem, for example feeling anxious, physical pain, weight gain, or restlessness. 

4.7. How many issues can be tackled at a time using EFT Tapping?

We recommend if you’re working with a major issue, you work one at a time because then, you can really focus on it. Some people would be doing their Personal Peace daily and working through a major issue simultaneously. It depends upon the client, practitioner, and what they are able to do.

4.8. What does self-acceptance mean?

Self-acceptance means the act of accepting all of you no matter what, accepting one’s weaknesses and strengths, successes and failures, and blind spots. It is always a work-in-progress.


Meridians are energy tubes (like blood vessels) that run throughout your body and through all major organs. These are subtle channels of energy. Sometimes, the energy flowing through these channels are blocked.

In the traditional Indian medicine, body's energy channel is referred to as Nadi. In Chinese medicine, these Nadis are referred as meridians.

EFT combines touch and talk technique, which clears these blocks in your meridians. Touch in known to be deeply healing for adults and babies (1). Babies who received safe touch and affection grew up healthy, versus those who did not became sick.


Jin Shin Jyutsu is a Japanese Medicine Healing Technique, where you hold parts of the body in a particular sequence to initiate health and vitality.

The easiest is known as the finger holds, where you hold each finger, one by one. Each finger represents an emotion.


In Jin Shin Jyutsu you can hold each finger for a maximum of 20 minutes. is practiced for 20 minutes, because SH Cedar, an associate professor and reader in human biology conducted an experiment to determine how long a breath takes to travel in the body and expelled out as carbon dioxide.

The study indicated that it took 20 minutes for one breath to travel inside the body and expel out. So, the maximum time you need to hold it for is 20 minutes.

jin shin jyutsu holds thumb

How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner

Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.



Being an EFT Practitioner is very rewarding, where you can transform the lives of others by helping them to:

  • Overcome stress
  • Tackle anxiety
  • Manifest more money
  • Heal disabling fear

To become an EFT Certified Practitioner you would need to attend training with a Master Trainer of Trainers, and then complete case studies and practice sessions.

Transforming Life with EFT Tapping

Your next step is to go to this link, where you will find detailed information about how to be qualified in EFT Tapping, and to book a complementary discovery call.

6.2. Where can one get the treatment done and how much will it cost?

You can get the treatment done with the help of a professional and qualified EFT practitioner. There are three levels of qualified practitioners:

  • The Basic Level - They call themselves EFT Practitioners. They can work with stress, phobias, cravings, physical tension, fears, as well as any past negativity.
  • EFT & Inner Child Matrix Practitioners (i.e., working with the past child): They can work with deeper problems such as allergies, PTSD, hormonal imbalances, chronic physical pain, and we have had quite a few clients who recovered from PCOS as well.
  • The EFT Advanced Practitioners: They have also done the Inner Child Matrix. They can work with many mental as well as physical issues. It can range from helping people boost their confidence, to resolving financial issues, to helping clients with depression, auto-immune illnesses, and even working with kids who have high levels of anxiety and trauma.

The treatment costs can vary depending on what level the practitioner is at:

  • Junior Practitioner: Rs 15000 for 6 sessions
  • Senior Practitioner: Rs 30000 for 6 sessions 
  • Highly Experienced Practitioners: Rs 50000 for 6 sessions 

6.3. Do you carry out non-virtual EFT workshops?

Yes, we have had EFT workshops in the past. It’s not possible right now due to Covid-19 restrictions, but our trainers will conduct these in the future.

6.4. Do you personally take sessions offline?

Yes, I do take sessions personally, and we also have highly experienced EFT Practitioner who can work with you. 

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

11.5. Will self-help videos be made available for a practitioner program?

Yes, they will be provided. We make fifteen videos which are available as part of the EFT Practitioner program.


7.2. What is THE Journey HEALING METHOD?

The Journey is a technique where you can heal physical and emotional issues by letting go, working on forgiveness and accessing the infinite healing potential, known as "source" with 'The Journey'.

I used the technique to heal from cancer. 

7.3. What is THE EFT FREEDOM Tapathon?

EFT Freedom Tapathon is a 21-day EFT Tapping program that helps one release self-doubt and claim self-power.

7.4. Is there any chance to change the time of the classes as in evening time?

The classes are at different times, depending on the time zone. To get the latest dates and timings, go to EFT Practitioner Training for Certification or Personal Development.

How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner

Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

In summary, EFT is a very powerful tool to deal with scenarios that diminish your sense of peace and calmness. EFT Tapping helps to reduce tension, promote a deeper mind-body connection, and manage symptoms of anxiety, depression or stress.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.

Learn Emotional Freedom Techniques for self-healing or to become professionally qualified - More

Our other seminars:

  • The Journey Healing Method - More
  • Breakthrough Coaching with NLP Practitioner - More

For the full calendar of events

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